Rib bed issues


New Member
I’m having real problems raising our rib bed and have actually fractured a rib in the process of doing so ☹️ Could someone please let me know if I’m not doing it properly or if there is an easier way that I don’t know about ? It’s a new conversion and the van otherwise is lovely … many thanks in advance
Thanks so much for this although our rib bed doesn’t have any levers at the side … it’s literally a case of leaning over and trying to pull the dratted thing up may just go back to the seller and query this …
Yes I do ..here you go. This doesn’t have a handle on the side but has an extremely stiff lever along the front base… IMG_8730.jpeg
All I can think is that's not a RIB bed. It looks nothing like one.

That being the case, get the bed opened out if you can and see if there are any stickers or plates that might identify the manufacturer. Once you know that you can then contract them, see if they can provide instructions or give you any ideas.
As above, not a RIB. My Denby RnR bed (on my previous camper) had a handle below the cushioned base on the face of the wooden panel. You slackened the seatbelts and then pulled that lever and then pressed the bed/seat down in the middle
All I can think is that's not a RIB bed. It looks nothing like one.

That being the case, get the bed opened out if you can and see if there are any stickers or plates that might identify the manufacturer. Once you know that you can then contract them, see if they can provide instructions or give you any ideas.
Excellent idea and so many thanks for this
Was it sold to you as a RIB ?
There is quite a price difference between RIB's and generic R&R beds.