Rock and roll bed fixing advice

John Rayne

Hi all,

Recently acquired a new to me camper.

It's got a rock and roll bed fitted which I was told was crash tested. No paperwork to prove.

I've just had it up on ramps and I've seen the fixings, the last one I had was fixed with a moulded steel spreader plate.

The fixings on this look terrible, Any suggestions on what I could put in place?

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Saw lots of this when shopping for a van, it’s seem to be a really misunderstood area. The Belts are tested so the fittings for the belts are approved. But that’s often with the bed bolted down.

There’s even a fairly popular bed I’ve seen promoted that has pictures of its “test” where it’s bolted to a 1” steel plate to simulate a floor. Then its fitting recommendations are for penny washers through the van floor.

I ended up getting a van with A RIB bed, then taking it to NW Van Bodies in Lancaster, they then fitted the approved Kirvans fitting kit to the chassis and bed. (Why the original converter skimpt on the the £120 for the chassis bar I have no idea)
I suppose you could add the spreader that the RIB bed utilizes. Of course this wouldn't mean that it's crash tested but you could at least have a bit more faith in the fixings.

I used this one. If I remember correctly the Kiravans one was predrilled, but you may have to do some adjusting / fettling to get it to fit since it looks like it will be tight.
I've had someone doing work to my van today, while underneath commented my bed fixing plate should ideally be tied to the chassis. my previous van had the Kiravans fixing kit. could any convertors advise if this is ok? there's 2 large plates and 2 smaller ones. I'm sure not going anywhere
