Sad news - member Leeroy33 Lee Wilson


Senior Member
T6 Guru
Wasn’t sure where to post this?

For those of you who met and knew @Leeroy33 Lee Wilson through the T6/VW community, he sadly passed away yesterday following a nasty chest infection.
Though Lee was wheelchair bound, it didn’t stop him enjoying life and building a sick T6 bus which was recently featured in a VW Bus Magszine. Sleep tight Lee


RIP Lee, sad to lose a member, superb bus too.
sad news.
Didn't know him but he must have been a nice guy if he had a t6
All the best to his family and friends
Oh that's sad news. My thoughts go out to his friends and family.
Those wheels on that bus though..... he had a vision and he nailed it.
RIP - I didn’t know him, never nice to read this and feel for his family and friends right now.
Again pretty much echoing this thread sad news and never met the chap, on a separate note the chap that started the tread did you know him well ? What if we as a collective group of members do a virtual whip round and sort some flowers out if you know his family and you wouldn’t mind organising it
Again pretty much echoing this thread sad news and never met the chap, on a separate note the chap that started the tread did you know him well ? What if we as a collective group of members do a virtual whip round and sort some flowers out if you know his family and you wouldn’t mind organising it
Like your thinking @Niknak
@Clydiee, do you know Lee’s family, or a way to get hold of them? I think the suggestions above are great, but often family’s would rather receive a donation to charity than flowers. I’d happily pop some money in a kitty if such were to be possible.