shudder / haldex

Not quite sure how it is over there, but over here I can see the dealers point to some extent.

If the importer won't pay for warranty work, then it's down to the customer. The dealer is stuck in the middle and they won't embark on any warranty work for which there's the slightest risk they won't get paid for it.

With modern IT systems the warranty administrator at the importer will want photos, part numbers, all the rest of it, so there's very little lattitude for the dealer to be stretching the truth or trying to obfuscate as to the cause of any fault, and there are heavy contractual penalties it they get caught trying to do so.

They're in business turn a profit, and financially subsidising a customer by swallowing the cost of warranty work themselves would soon have them looking at bankruptcy.

They don't turn warranty work away lightly. It's a guaranteed payday (assuming the work is indeed a warranty comcern) and the bread and butter of their profit comes from warranty work - that's why there are so few Honda dealers, it's difficult for a workshop to turn a profit on cars that don't break very often. If the dealer has spotted an inconsistency they can be damn sure the warranty administrator at the importer will spot it and keep his wallet in his pocket.

So I would suggest ire is, for the most part, directed at the importer as it is they that pay for warranty work and they make it very clear to dealers in advance what they will and won't accept.
I tried just rolling to in intersection with foot off the throttle and do a hard turn while still rolling and there is no noise so it seems it's just under load.
Perhaps you could unplug the connector at the Haldex pump (just to take it out of the equation) and verify if the judder is still there under load?