Side skirts. Yes or no??


VIP Member
T6 Pro
I’m probably going to add an LV bumper to match the front shortly and as I’m going to need to get body shop involved im tempted to add skirts. I have trap bars at the mo and they look ok but wondering how many have gone for skirts and if you did, which ones and any regrets? Pics would be good as well if you have them!

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I’m probably going to add an LV bumper to match the front shortly and as I’m going to need to get body shop involved im tempted to add skirts. I have trap bars at the mo and they look ok but wondering how many have gone for skirts and if you did, which ones and any regrets?

I have just been sick in my mouth at this thought. No. Keep your money. :eek: o_O
Lolz I thought this one might be contentious!! Who’s brave enough to come out in favour now?? :)
Lolz I thought this one might be contentious!! Who’s brave enough to come out in favour now?? :)
I’m sure there’ll be some poseur with more money than sense, & a penchant for plastic bolt on bling come along soon :whistle:
I have the van x skirts on my Caravelle. Prefer them to side bars.

I’m sure there’ll be some poseur with more money than sense, & a penchant for plastic bolt on bling come along soon :whistle:

C'mon @Salty Spuds - live & let live...

That's what usually makes this Forum a nice place to hang around. :thumbsup:
We all like different things on our Vw's, but that's not to say a penchant for plastic bolt on bling makes you a poseur with more money than sense.
@B.different 's ABT side skirts are what he likes & has spent his hard earned cash on.
@jayc001 's Van-X side skirts are what he likes & has spent his hard earned cash on.
We are all different in what we do to our pride & joys.
If plastic bolt on bling is really what floats your boat and the pennies are there to buy it, what's wrong with that?

Long may the happy marriage of all our beautiful Vw's & bling continue :D
I don't have either currently, but, were I to take the plunge, I'd prefer to spend my money on PU side skirts that have no practical use and only marginal aesthetic advantage, rather than on sidebars that have no practical use, do nothing aesthetically (IMO) and rot away after a few thousand miles. Having said that, I wouldn't be spending over a grand (and my wife says that's final!).
I don't have either currently, but, were I to take the plunge, I'd prefer to spend my money on PU side skirts that have no practical use and only marginal aesthetic advantage, rather than on sidebars that have no practical use, do nothing aesthetically (IMO) and rot away after a few thousand miles. Having said that, I wouldn't be spending over a grand (and my wife says that's final!).
Does the wife know that a verbal T6F discount code can be applied prior to the expenditure of such a large amount of pennies?
Traditionally this is 50%, but can be as high as 75%.
Bringing the cost down to a more reasonable £500 or £250 :thumbsup:
As always, just trying to help...
Does the wife know that a verbal T6F discount code can be applied prior to the expenditure of such a large amount of pennies?
Traditionally this is 50%, but can be as high as 75%.
Bringing the cost down to a more reasonable £500 or £250 :thumbsup:
As always, just trying to help...
Appreciate the suggestion @moomin-j, but Mrs Bav has full (and I do mean FULL) oversight of all of our finances. :rofl:
Appreciate the suggestion @moomin-j, but Mrs Bav has full (and I do mean FULL) oversight of all of our finances. :rofl:
Ok, I understand your dilemma.
The next rule of engagement is: just buy what you want without discussing / agreeing it 1st.
Then, to ask for forgiveness is easier than to ask for permission.
Hope it helps. :cool:

If the above doesn't work, then I'm not sure what to suggest next.

Find a different Mrs Bav?
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Thank you all for your balanced and unbiased input. For the record, Mrs Borat believes that all plastic (or metal) bolt on parts either
A) Increase the value of the van
B) Add protection (side bars are structural and prevent damage thank you @Bav :))
C) Help with aerodynamics and thus decrease fuel consumption, ie - pay for themselves within around 1-100 yrs
D) Cost 50 quid, so not worth worrying about

I shall ensure that she never finds this thread, or meets any of you to burst that bubble lol
C'mon @Salty Spuds - live & let live...

That's what usually makes this Forum a nice place to hang around. :thumbsup:
We all like different things on our Vw's, but that's not to say a penchant for plastic bolt on bling makes you a poseur with more money than sense.
@B.different 's ABT side skirts are what he likes & has spent his hard earned cash on.
@jayc001 's Van-X side skirts are what he likes & has spent his hard earned cash on.
We are all different in what we do to our pride & joys.
If plastic bolt on bling is really what floats your boat and the pennies are there to buy it, what's wrong with that?

Long may the happy marriage of all our beautiful Vw's & bling continue :D
I’ll take my firmly placed tongue out of my cheek now…;)
Thank you all for your balanced and unbiased input. For the record, Mrs Borat believes that all plastic (or metal) bolt on parts either
A) Increase the value of the van
B) Add protection (side bars are structural and prevent damage thank you @Bav :))
C) Help with aerodynamics and thus decrease fuel consumption, ie - pay for themselves within around 1-100 yrs
D) Cost 50 quid, so not worth worrying about

I shall ensure that she never finds this thread, or meets any of you to burst that bubble lol
My biggest worry is my wife sells all my fishing gear for what I told her I paid for it o_O :slow rofl: