Skyline roof fitter NW


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T6 Guru
I think I've settled on going for the Skyline Skylow roof after 2 years of deliberating! Initially I wanted the Hilo/Horizon roof, but going for the Skylow will save me about £2.5k, and I'm pretty sure the cons of the Skylow compared to the Horizon I'll be forgotten once it's done, plus that's £2.5k I can spend elsewhere! Haha

So, can anyone please recommend a Skyline roof fitter in or around Manchester thats good?
Maybe wise to go direct and have skyline do it…my experience with skyline has been great, fixed a problem with the roof without any quibble. I too have the skylow and have complete confidence in the mechanism and locking of the roof.
Go direct, they have about an 8 week lead time and will do it in a day. You can get a b&b for the night and the next day all sorted!