Slimline kitchen / 130 rib bed / no sink or hob recommendations please

Thanks @AJCConversions - we have done the NC500 and mid west France (Oleron) since having the van finished in April. Cornwall beckons next week
Well, enjoy yourself! I'm hoping to do something similar if i can ever find any time to get my Crafter built! Make sure to post some piccies.

The most recent Crafter build sent me this pic from his month long trip to Spain the other day, made me very jealous!! Untitled design.JPEG
That looks fantastic, great colour combinations

How do you find the width of the seat when used as a seat? I wanted a 120 2 seat but they only seem to offer the 3 seat 120XL with the glidemotion kit (out of stock also at the moment until 2025). Previously had a shuttle with 3x individual seats and often just removed the middle one to ease access to the rear but the 3rd seat option is 'nice'

Previously owned a caravelle with a full width seat which wasn't needed and made storage difficult and a shuttle LLWB which was great (9 seats) but very inflexible and heavy to remove seats so looking at a sliding option with a narrower seat i.e. glidemotion or california seat.

Currently have a Skoda Kodiaq with cream leather which is very luxurious and comfortable in the rear seats so any downgrades will meet with much complaining!
Originally i wanted a full width bed, but we settled on the 130 rib with the Devanco slim units fitted, been very comfortable and happy with the set up
Looks great, sadly the 130 doesn’t come on rails and in a swb I want the flexibility as per my previous caravelle conversion. My lwb shuttle had loads of space but the use was too rigid with the fixed seating
I’ve not long finished ( when is it ever finished ) my T6 in the back and I went with the 130cm + slimline units. I didn’t go with a Rib bed I went with a Vulcan slimline, but storage wise it’s pretty good to be honest. I’ve yet to purchase an awning still on the lookout, but me and my wife are taking our son away this weekend for the first time after having it fitted so will see how it goes. Personally I’d rather have the bed room than the storage.


After building different sizes of bed frames to try out , we ended up with fitting a 150 rib bed .
We store everything under the bed in containers
Just find the 150 a lot more comfortable