Smev Mini Grill 555 - yes or no?

I think it depends where you plan to install it and what other appliances you have - my mini grill is directly above the Waeco CRX65 fridge and fits in nicely below the worktop. The mini oven/grill is slightly taller and wider so I think you may need to find somewhere else for it - the aperture my grill sits in, including the air space at the top, is 480mm by 280mm - looks like the oven requires 530mm by 310mm - not a massive difference but would then need higher worktops (closing safety gap between hob and ceiling) and a wider cabinet which, with my RIB bed butting up against the cabinet side when folded out, would not fit in my van.

Hillside, who I got my van from, do offer the oven but only in the LWB variants (never really thought about it before but guessing its for the reasons I describe above?).

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Hi really want to do this, just trying to work out how this done, do you have a work height of 760mm off finish floor level?