A quick update from a snow foaming virgin here..! I don't care if if it's a faff (it is) or whether it gets it all off first (it didn't), it's just such good FUN..!!
Even the neighbours came out to watch.. They of course, know that I may be a DIY god, and strive for perfection in all I attempt. Conversely, they may just have a right old laugh at my expense.
Sprayed it on dry, left it to run off (not as long as I thought) and set to with the straight water blast. Filled my two buckets and set to on the mitt, blasted it all away and watched it gleam. I even got a blower on it, but whilst it works it makes you deaf, so I'm planning on reverting to an old fashioned frying towel wipe down next time.
Mine is ceramic coated with Gtechniq stuff too, and the ease of getting the shizzle off is amazing, which is what I wanted.
There's no substitute for effort, though. It was easier than a normal polished & filthy van, but not the panacea that the guru's would have you believe. Unless you're
@Tourershine , in which case all bets are off..