SPOTTED - 'Was it you?' thread

Don’t know if any of the moderators should tidy thisup a bit as it seems to have gone rather off topic! I’ve found this to be one of the most friendly forums so it’s a shame when things get a bit tetchy ☹️
Don’t know if any of the moderators should tidy thisup a bit as it seems to have gone rather off topic! I’ve found this to be one of the most friendly forums so it’s a shame when things get a bit tetchy ☹️
Why "tidy up" (aka delete)? Not seen anything unfriendly or untoward and, tbh, it is a subject that should be discussed and not swept under the carpet. Admittedly it's off-topic, so perhaps we should rename the thread "SPLATTERED - Was it you?".
So what? They are fully entitled to use the road.

Beyond that let’s see the big picture - they are keeping fit and happy so are putting less of a tax burden on you and not clogging up the health service. Commuters do the same and mean one less car in the queue at every junction, making your journey faster. If you need to be somewhere by a set time and you know there are cyclists every weekend set out three minutes earlier - is it that hard?

I have a car, a camper, a motorcycle and a few pedal bikes. I love them all and they all give me joy in some way. Even if I didn’t ride I’d still have some basic respect for other humans and a bit of patience/self control. I don’t get the negativity and in some cases the act of deliberately putting other people under pressure or at risk, just for fun or because you think you are more important. Grow up.
So what!!! grow up !!!
That sort of response says it all…the big picture is more cyclist accidents.

I never said I hate cyclist, I was merely replying to someone else’s comment and stating what I see myself living in an area which has lot of Tour de France wannabes riding around blocking the country roads all weekend long..

I ride too, saying that, there are a few minority who ruins it for others, like not being considerate as you elaborately put it.
Same way as when you drive your array of vehicles, I bet you don’t drive all over the place or the wrong side of the road or any type of driving that would cause a nuisance to other motorist..

I don’t hate anyone or what they drive or ride, the road is for all.
I agree with @RNelson
I mean I’m only having a bit of banter and a lot of my friends are into this Tour de France shit with the power ranger suits and there’s nothing wrong with that but they are first to admit there knobs when in a clang and enjoy holding up the traffic!
If you lived around here, you’ll see, every weekend since the Olympic road race, you get 100’s of Tour de France wannabes doing the same route, could be 20 of them or more in a convoy blocking single lane country roads around here… plenty of up hill climbs which makes things worse… The residents are not happy at all, maybe the roads are to blame
Had similar around our way since the Yorkshire Grand Départ in 2014. Fortunately the hills around here are such that any peloton is soon strung-out.
If you lived around here, you’ll see, every weekend since the Olympic road race, you get 100’s of Tour de France wannabes doing the same route, could be 20 of them or more in a convoy blocking single lane country roads around here… plenty of up hill climbs which makes things worse… The residents are not happy at all, maybe the roads are to blame
Ah, so you get to enjoy the baboon-arsed mamils too?

There is a girl who cycles round our way every morning and she is really pushing it: highest gear possible, whatever the incline! I always give her space until she waves me forward when the road is clear. That the difference between the “wannabe” (all the gear but no idea) and the “working to be”!
Although not a practical proposition, I've always thought that it would benefit all road users if a year on the roads as a cyclist was a prerequisite to getting a licence for any motor vehicle. Once you've had you life endangered by an impatient driver, it's a lot less likely that you'd be willing to put others in that same situation.

100% agree @Bav and have said similar many times (to anyone who cares to listen to my whining!)
and although not practical to spend a year on a bicycle surely it would be practical, and wholly beneficial, for everyone to spend time on/in each different class of vehicle as part of their driving test/lessons. which would give everyone a much better understand of how difficult it is to use the road on a bicycle, or what it takes to drive an articulated truck around a corner and just how blind the blind spot is...
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Had similar around our way since the Yorkshire Grand Départ in 2014. Fortunately the hills around here are such that any peloton is soon strung-out.
Been round your way many times on my bike. Down into West Vale then it's uphill all the way! Usually give "the bank" a miss though! :whistle: At most there are 3 of us generally riding single file (mainly due to differing fitness levels!)
As a cyclist I totally agree about the hills. We are blessed with many of 'em.
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Been round your way many times on my bike. Down into West Vale then it's uphill all the way! Usually give "the bank" a miss though! :whistle: At most there are 3 of us generally riding single file (mainly due to differing fitness levels!)
As a cyclist I totally agree about the hills. We are blessed with many of 'em.
It's not quite Mont Ventoux, but I would only ever consider going up that hill in a motorised vehicle. :think smile bounce:
Spotted a silver Porsche Carrera 911 in Littleborough today - reg. no. T444 CAB. Was that you @CAB? :cool: