A line did the alignment. I've used them before. Not sure if they are experienced with t6 post alloy n suspension change .
The reason I mention it is that, I sat in on my Hunter alignment and the very first set-up screen that came up stumped the Technician and me .... not confidence inspiring !!!
Were you asked, or did they know which of these options was you ?? Clearly fundamental to getting even a remotely correct alignment done. The Technician said to me, most wouldn't bother asking the customer and just click on any old option to get the job done and billed.
Once I had cracked this one with them (30 mins on phone to VW - the correct code is on your vehicle data sticker on the inside front cover of your Owners Manual). The next screen asks for the changed (correct) alignment data for your new set-up (suspension, wheels and tyres) to be input. Of course, with the gazillions of modified wheel, suspension and tyre options we all run, nobody knows this and the data is not available. Ridiculous
As a compromise, we decided to run the test using the standard T6 set-up data for my model's suspension under the no load option ( I carry 2 bikes at most).
It came in green apart from passenger rear Castor (can't change without changing bushes) which was borderline anyway. A bit of a surprise as I have changed suspension and wheels. It drives perfectly fine. Haven't done enough miles to assess alignment against tyre wear yet.
I don't know if all T6 alignments are frigged this way. My guess is they are, as the required alignment data is not available for each of our individual set-ups.
Perhaps the answer to your issue lies somewhere in this fiasco. Make sure the settings on the Hunter are correct and try what I did, aligning against the correct but standard set-up data for your van (as per screen above).