Hi Guys, I was hoping to try and put together a comprehensive guide for those that want to have a stab at doing the work of Lining, sound deadening and insulation them selves. The idea would be a non chat based thread, with a list of useful suppliers or contacts, Materials and alternative materials (to the branded), Step guide, Hints and Tips as well as any other general pointers. Primarily this is to help my own knowledge, and certainly not to do those fine chaps that make a living off of this but more for those that like to get thier hands dirty (like me). As it stands right now I know nothing on the subject. I understand the basic theory on the vibrations, but what I would hope to produce would be an efficiant and cost effective way for others to follow.
So basically if anyone has time or any pointers, can we use this as a dumping ground for tips. Try and be blatently obvious on what you have done step wise as others may not understand the obvious, and if you have some web pages for where to get the raw material or even discounted codes etc. With the permission of the modirators could we post it here. things like hidden pannel fittings and how best to make them work or where to get them, what ply to use and indeed what MDF to use, thicknesses, carpets, material and ideas .. anything really
I will try and take the best info and create a follow me guide to the process when i eventually get my van!
Feel free to PM me!
Cheers Matt
So basically if anyone has time or any pointers, can we use this as a dumping ground for tips. Try and be blatently obvious on what you have done step wise as others may not understand the obvious, and if you have some web pages for where to get the raw material or even discounted codes etc. With the permission of the modirators could we post it here. things like hidden pannel fittings and how best to make them work or where to get them, what ply to use and indeed what MDF to use, thicknesses, carpets, material and ideas .. anything really
I will try and take the best info and create a follow me guide to the process when i eventually get my van!
Feel free to PM me!
Cheers Matt