Morning! This is "Black Panther"!! A 2020 T6.1 Transporter T30 Highline Camper (Conversion). I don't come very often to this forum....too busy enjoying
this magnificent vehicle!!!
So. I've owned her since January 2022 and have been everywhere (including the Costa Daurada (just South of Barcelona)). This year we're off to Benidorm!! However I think I'm going need to address the medium sized Fly-in-the-ointment....the ride!! As you can see she's sits on a set of 20" Velare VLR011's. You can probably see that some non-standard coils/dampers have been fitted (not by me), unfortunately I have no clue on brand, only to say that there are some adjustable Lock nuts that can alter the height (they are Turquoise in colour (on the off-chance that this may help!!)). The types of roads that I'm asking this van to use (the shitty B-Roads of rural Wiltshire; rutted, potholed, uneven, twisty) is starting to reveal a problem in that the front wheels spend a lot of their time being stuffed into the top of the arches...especially when weighted up...I have two teenage daughters with lots of friends!! So more often I'm 6-up (she has 6 travel seats) with bags, camping gear etc...... I didn't buy this van just to look at it!!
Before our Spanish trip last summer, to ensure minimal wheel to inner arch contact, I did raise the ride-height (I have a mate who's VW Master Tech so we had the van on his ramp); it appeared that I've topped out the rears, the fronts could go higher but we agreed that would look stupid...so we we kept all 4 corners (centre of wheel to highest point of wheel arch) measurements the same. But I'm finding that, especially after the last winter and the inability of our local authority to maintain the local road network the issue is getting worse!!
Apologies for the "essay"! So those that know!! What are my options? Smaller Wheels? Different Coils/Dampers...could I do something with what I've already got!!?? Any suggestions gratefully received (I don't have a massive budget btw!)!