T6.1 headlight alignment or swap for Europe?


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Hi all, Apologies for this post. I've read a few in the forum but they either refer to T6 or don't answer my query. I'm taking my 2022 T6.1 to Switzerland and have to register it over there. I am aware they won't accept the RHD lights as they are. I enquired with THQ about aftermarket LED for LHD (stupidly thinking these would fix the issue and upgrade from the useless halogen OEM) but they've come back to me stating the wiring on LHD is different to RHD so won't just swap out with my OEMs. So, could anyone point me to aftermarket LED lights that are LHD compliant but will retro fit a RHD UK model van please? Or is there a physical way to realign the OEM halogen lights internally to change the light direction?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
You can't alter halogen lights for driving on different sides of the road as the beam pattern is determined by the shape of the reflectors. The projectors in the THQ LED lights are fixed too. Your only real options are to change the headlights for OEM LHD versions, or search for aftermarket THQ type lights on European sites.
Are you permanently exporting your van?
After driving a lot in Europe in vans I would just sell and go for a left hand drive version. Much easier and safer to drive over there.
Are you permanently exporting your van?
After driving a lot in Europe in vans I would just sell and go for a left hand drive version. Much easier and safer to drive over there.
I have to register it but only living there for 3 years and then returning, hence why I don't want to go down the path of selling, etc. In hindsight I should've waited and bought a LHD car over there but we all live and learn!
You can't alter halogen lights for driving on different sides of the road as the beam pattern is determined by the shape of the reflectors. The projectors in the THQ LED lights are fixed too. Your only real options are to change the headlights for OEM LHD versions, or search for aftermarket THQ type lights on European sites.
Thanks so much for the advice. Would you know if I can simply swap out the OEM RHD lights for OEM LHD lights or would I come up against the same wiring issues THQ have with their aftermarket versions? Just don't want to fork out the money to find they don't fit or work.
Thanks so much for the advice. Would you know if I can simply swap out the OEM RHD lights for OEM LHD lights or would I come up against the same wiring issues THQ have with their aftermarket versions? Just don't want to fork out the money to find they don't fit or work.
I do a little t6.1 headlights. And I know there are no differences in the wiring depending on the location of the steering wheel!
I do a little t6.1 headlights. And I know there are no differences in the wiring depending on the location of the steering wheel!
Thanks and I would've assumed the same. However Transporter HQ categorically tell me their LHD versions won't work in a RHD van due to wiring. I didn't think such a simply thing would cause me so much grief! I've contacted sw-tuning in Germany and they can't tell me if the lights they supply will work in a RHD car either! I assume I'll have to just ring VW and enquire.
Whilst it is extra expense, take a short trip to Europe and hire a 6.1 transporter for the day, take it somewhere quiet and have an "investigation" then you will know for sure how the wiring may or may not differ. Obviously take loads and loads and loads of photos or ideally take the RHD on the trip and compare like for like.

Are there any members with a LHD 6.1 that you could drive to?
I have to register it but only living there for 3 years and then returning, hence why I don't want to go down the path of selling, etc. In hindsight I should've waited and bought a LHD car over there but we all live and learn!
I know plenty of Brits in Switzerland who didn't register their vehicles for quite some years for a variety of reasons include one who was a Swiss resident at the time.

Sure they also came back to the UK with a degree of frequency by car and of course if it needed MOT tied that in with the trip or just did extra MOTs.

I appreciate what the rules might be however I wouldn't personally bother if I was going there on a temporary basis and three years is indeed temporary.

My insurers don't care how long my bus is out of the UK so long as I don't fail the country requirements, ie in Switzerland you I guess would only have to cross a border to reset the clock so to speak. Yours might be different and could be driving the registration etc however I don't really see the benefits of registering it over there temporarily.