T6 brake servo removal


VIP Member
T6 Pro
All part of my ongoing project is to change the servo on my van which was damaged in a knock. Engine is out of the way, master cylinder is off and 4 nuts that hold the servo are off. The push rod that attaches the servo to the brake pedal is held in with a block of nylon that sits in the channel of the brake pedal, it has got 2 fingers that hold it onto the ball on the end of the rod, far to easy to have a pin and clip. Has anyone had the fun of changing the servo on their van and how did they do it?
Any help greatly appreciated Baz
Hi @BAZT6 I believe there is a tool to squash in the two clips that you can feel at each side of the pedal. My mate made something from a pair of water pump pliers, he welded two small bolts to the jaws so they fitted through the hole and pushed in the nylon clips in to release the pedal from the clip. Alternatively you can drill them out and buy a new. Have a look below at this example on eBay.

Thanks Phill that makes sense, what a sh1t design. Another thing to put you off working on your van.
Many thanks Baz
Replacement servo turned up today so had to get nylon block out of pedal, used a wood chisel and pushed it in between block and pedal and levered it out no damage so reused it. Servo fitted and master cylinder back in place. EGR, turbo pipe some wiring and cambelt cover to replace then could be ready to go.