T6 CXGB no start


New Member
Good afternoon ladies and gents , i am new hear but would really like advice .
CXBG 2018 transporter ( camshaft module version) 80k
One of the company vans i look after was poorly , the cambelt was split nearly in half and on just cranking over not driving ,took out the (in words) the pin on the camshaft pully allowing it to spin freely when i checked the timing releasing the 18mm bolt

So basically the van suffered the following findings
Camshaft sprocket scrap as locating pin snapped off , new pulley purchased

8 out of 16 rockers smashed , 16 new purchased
replaced all injector seals
gaskets etc

from what i can see no1 exhaust cam lobe only nearest the belt just 1st has spun literally 2mm

pistons ok via camera inspection valves all seem same height and open and close nicely.

put it all back together as i hoped and preyed that as the lobe was so slightly out i may get away with it. (

Rebuilt everything, turns over by crank lovely and smooth , all locking pins fit .

NOW ...

do i need to purchase a new camshaft module between £600- £1200 unless anybody can help or knows a secret place to buy
Its cranks but will not start,,

i have the following info

fuel pump has no metallic bits inside

on crank
camshaft phase 0.7 deg
fuel pressure on cranking 30000 kpa
crank speed 210 -250
camshaft speed as above
main injection start 0.5 deg
main inj duration of activation between 1700- 2240 us
starter control engine active
maf 14 %
engine status engine start

these are all average reading from my obd eleven scan
i can send screen shots etc if it helps i just need some advice as its frying my brain

occasionally it will fire and run for 2-3 seconds and stall
i have disconnected cam sensor no change
haven't tried fluid start yet

i really appreciate any advice
thank you all
Maybe just re-bleed the fuel system? Reading elsewhere on the forum it can take a bit of cranking too
I've ran the pumps for several minutes as per manual, I did crack 1 of the pipes on the rail and did witness air bubbles, seeing as it's been in parts for 2-3 weeks injectors out for maybe 2
Just worried that the camlobe is going to be the issue , but fuel seems the main culprit, and it destroys the battery cranking and cranking.

So I just watched several you tubes and I believe the hpfp should be full but it's not if attached photo helps, so no fuel from hpfp to rail maybe 1000002802.jpg
Hi there,
Will it run on brake cleaner? (Or something similar)
Any fault codes? If timing was out you would get a cam/crank correlation fault.
I tried brake cleaner earlier but battery died that's as far as I got , no codes at all on any of the attempted starts , I'll charge battery Monday and maybe try and pull fuel from the rail connector with vacuum to fill hpfp , am I right in thinking as the fuel is below the hole it not getting to the rail and injectors ,
If it runs on brake cleaner then you know it’s fuel related.
What are you reading the codes with? Would be good if you can get a log with VCDS as I know there is a very clever person @mmi who does a good job of reading them and understanding pressures etc.

It does look like the fuel is low but that could be because you remove the sensor and air got into the system so it has run back
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I have main unit obdeleven , and a think scanner, and topdon, I also have a Carly but it's leant out, but more accurate info from obdeleven, I'll look at uploading a scan ,
I'm hoping pleading it's fuel related,

I'm interested. How did you verify the 2 mm spun lobe?

I had a CXHA with broken timing belt and two broken rollers, but the intake cam had spun 180° and all other exhaust cam lobes roughly 90° except for the ones with broken rollers.

I made a thread about the repair and solving it, where you can find a known good camshaft module photos.
To be honest I'm not 100% , it's the only one that had damage around the shaft and the only pair that are not matched, I've compared it to photos but it makes your eyes crazy .1000002090.jpg1000002091.jpg

It takes three seconds of cranking to build enough fuel pressure - from 8.474 to 11.750 seconds?
Normally the pressure build-up takes less than 0.4 seconds.
Well, of course it should start when the pressure has reached adequate level.

fuel pump has no metallic bits inside
I'm still thinking something is wrong with the fuel pump, or it's pressure regulation.

What's this exactly - percentage??

camshaft phase 0.7 deg
fuel pressure on cranking 30000 kpa
crank speed 210 -250
camshaft speed as above
main injection start 0.5 deg
main inj duration of activation between 1700- 2240 us
starter control engine active
engine status engine start
These look normal for cranking - the ECU tries to fire the injectors.
So the computer thinks everything is ok because the camshaft timing wheel on the cam is untouched, but I only went with visual damage, so more lobes could have moved, especially on the intake side,
I think need to strip dowm to the camshaft and put the pistons half down and see we're the lobes are turning the cam and check the position and order before getting another module.
Or try pulling fuel into the rail .

Tried brake cleaner yesterday it runs like a bag of spanners, as though its on 3 cylinder and backfiring via throttle, i have stripped it back to the cam module and now looking at either more cams have spun or the sprocket/s on the end of the shafts have span , looks like new cam module
I'm going to test for valve leaks with compressed air but from above and from feel all the valves are hopefully ok.
or keep it for bonfire night .