T6 - Front Upgrade - In for a penny ??


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T6 Pro
Hi all, having picked up a (2018 LWB) T6 at the very end of last year, I’m on a quest to upgrade sections of it over time.

I started with the most important part (the stereo :cool:) but I really want to upgrade the front, now I’m not looking to alter the body work / add a front spoiler etc. as I like what I have; what I’m mainly looking to do is the following.

1) Add fog lights & front sensors - (Vagtec - link) - £400
2) Replace headlights with LED DRL ones - (link) - £500

The reason for the ‘in for a penny’ comment is that I’m going to need to take the front off to install the above, so while I’m doing that what else should be considered at the same time ?

This makes me chuckle. I have a 6.1 but actually prefer the tidier styling of the 6!
Headlights maybe, especially if you're doing any driving at night and need to see where you're going which is the only time those stock H4s might/will be found wanting. :whistle:
If you're going to be changing headlights I'd highly recommend looking at the newer full led options, as above the H4 headlights are terrible. You might regret just upgrading for led DRLs and end up upgrading again to full led lights.

Keep an eye on this thread for full led headlights

Thanks @Pauly for the heads up on Vagtech - what are their issues ? I take it you’ve had good experiences with carsystems?

With VAT it’s looks like it’s over £500 delivered via carsystems ? Am I missing something with Vagtec ?

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They just tell porky pies and pretend to be in the uk when they are not, any issues and they dont help
Have used carsystems many times and always quick to ship etc

If you take the foglight loom off and pay by BACS its 356 euros so not such a huge difference in price, its up to you thats just my experience
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Thanks @Pauly , I appreciate any and all advice.

As you added the fog light loom option, I assume that is not included in the Vagtech bundle then either. So that is something to add to the list.

Is there anything else you can think of ?

I’m hoping installation is straight forward for these parts..
I only put it on there as you mentioned adding foglights
Think you can buy complete fog kits online to retrofit which might be easier
Hi @Pauly, was just looking at an old posts you were involved in (trip down memory lane) - I’ll leave here for future reference..

By the looks of it I need to add the fog lights/lamps to the list too..

What about these auto headlight upgrade switch too, I don’t think I have that now, so is that something to add to the list ?

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For aesthetics, maybe this too..

Hi @Pauly - I came across another post of yours (below) related to my planned upgrade, a question I have is in your photo the 4 sensors look to be spread across both the fog light plastic section and the grill parts above them ?

What head unit have i got? Reverse Cam? Sat Nat? PDC?

You also in another post mention an 8k module vs a 4k ? While not called out, if I zoom in, It look like the carsystems kit you suggested earlier has an 8k ? I assume that positive ?
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Yes the four front sensors are mounted in the four black trim panels in the front bumper

4k or 8k refer to the number of sensors
4k = rear only
8k = front and rear
Thanks @Pauly, ok, as I already have rear parking sensors, that means I just have the 4k today, so adding the fronts, will require me to replace that with an 8k.

When it comes to those front sensors, looking at the picture of the kit carsystems.eu is selling via the link below, all 4 sensors look to all go just on the two low fog light trim. Does that look like it to you too

Sorry @Pauly, I’m confused now,

To recap, all I currently have on the front of my T6 are the main headlights. I’d like to add fog lights and front parking sensors to compliment the existing rears

That last link you shared (below) says its a kit for cars equipped with front fog lights - based on module 7E0919475S / 7E0919475AA”

And the other link (below) says it is a kit “based on 7E0919475S / 7E0919475AA”

Surely both arnt needed, as much of it look duplicated ?

Sorry if I’m asking a stupid question.?
There’s loads of options, kits with panels and kits without panels if you get them with panels then you have the choice of with foglight hole or without foglight hole
Thanks @Pauly, it’s difficult to get my head around all of the options

If I’ve understood / interpreted it all correctly, am I correct in saying, if I get the following kit, the sensors come pre-installed within both sets of trims, (where as the other one, I’d need to add the sensors in myself..)

If so, that then leaves the fog lights themselves and associated cabling to get, which looks like the following ?

How does that sound, if it was you ?