Some good points here. Especially the advice to test drive. I was going for a 204 anyway but drove (for significant periods) a SWB and LWB also, -30mm spring, -40 mm springs and also Bilsteins - all with 20's on. Also 4Motion and non 4Motion.
If you have to watch mpg, a 204 is not the option really. My 204 makes my Range Rover (4.4V8 Diesel) look like a Toyota Prius in Eco mode by comparison

. Obviously the addition of 4Motion and DSG make your mpg significantly worse as well, which mine is (also LWB).
One thing I would add is. I wouldn't just think of the 4Motion as an off road toy. There is unsurprisingly a very significant improvement in on road handling with 4Motion. There is no front wheel spin on take off when applying power, the balance of the vehicle is better through and exiting bends/corners and IMO, it also seems to sit in a more squat stable way at motorway speeds (this could just be due to the additional low down weight of the 4Motion mechanism reducing the centre of gravity of the van).
As others have said, other than the cost, DSG could well be just a personal and circumstantial preference. Personally, with today's traffic, there is no way I am going to sit in a jam pumping a clutch for hours on end, whether it's at home or long continental Europe trips. Don't forget, the DSG has a manual and sport mode, both of which I find very effective options.