Yesterday I opened up the tailgate after a half hour journey and found water dripping from the hinge area of the tailgate on both sides. It was very wet and windy, and may have just been the extreme weather, but a few days earlier I had water dripping out of the drain holes in the bottom of the tailgate. I don’t know if the two incidents are related but has anyone else come across a similar thing?
Leaking top brake like is not uncommon if it’s coming from inside the tailgate
Leaking brake light would not cause water to be present on the hinges though surely? If the brake light leaks you get water coming out through the little black plastic plugs in the bottom of the tailgate.
I’d be thinking more along the lines of the tailgate itself needs adjusting to get it to pull in tighter against the seal when it’s closed. A few folk have detailed needing realignment of tailgate.
I've had both problems just days apart, and initially assumed they were connected, but now I'm thinking they aren't, and an unfortunate coincidence.
Sorry to revisit an old post but I wanted to show others who are replacing them what it looks like - i broke mine getting it out (was already damaged and letting water in).

VW sent a replacement for free and offered me to come in - declined as it’s a quick fix and they posted the part instead under warranty!!

Anyhow it’s held in place with 4x metal clips at the bottom and 4x plastic parts on the top. It’s possible to remove Intact but would be tricky.

Anyhow once popped out it’s attached to the electric by one cable which is plug and play on the new tailgate light. I cleaned the area the new light goes into to offer a solid seal to stop ingress of water.




Mine has two screws accessed when door is open had to replace when scrotes tried to prize off
I had to change mine and there was no seal around it just clicked right in, once fitted they are not removable, have to be broken out and replaced
Leaking brake light would not cause water to be present on the hinges though surely? If the brake light leaks you get water coming out through the little black plastic plugs in the bottom of the tailgate.
I’d be thinking more along the lines of the tailgate itself needs adjusting to get it to pull in tighter against the seal when it’s closed. A few folk have detailed needing realignment of tailgate.
Just picked up this thread as I have water coming out of the black plastic drain plugs. Is it solvable via the dealer or is it a wonderful design ‘extra’ - tailgate shower?