T6 twin slider drivers side problem

Alisdair Russell

Banjo 23
VIP Member
Can anyone help? I have a 2017 RHD T6 SWB kombi with electric twin sliders. The van is converted to a camper.

When I unlock the van with the key fob and then use the key fob to open the passenger side sliding door the drivers side slider cracks open (just opens).

The drivers side sliding door now won’t open fully when I manually pull the door handle nor will it open if I use the fob or from within the cab using the door open buttons.

Iva even having problems with the starter battery and am in the process of having a new one fitted post Christmas.

Any help or advice would be welcome.
New battery may well fix it
Thanks for a speedy response. I’m hoping so as this issue hasn’t been a problem until the batter started going. I’ve had to use a battery booster to get the engine started numerous times after the vehicle has been left standing. Not ideal at all.
Can anyone help? I have a 2017 RHD T6 SWB kombi with electric twin sliders. The van is converted to a camper.

When I unlock the van with the key fob and then use the key fob to open the passenger side sliding door the drivers side slider cracks open (just opens).

The drivers side sliding door now won’t open fully when I manually pull the door handle nor will it open if I use the fob or from within the cab using the door open buttons.

Iva even having problems with the starter battery and am in the process of having a new one fitted post Christmas.

Any help or advice would be welcome.
Did the new battery resolve this issue?
Did the new battery resolve this issue?
Hi Mark. It did yes. I’ve had no problems with that side now although as it doesn’t get used much it’s a bit slow at opening with the handle. My other issue is the driver side. The door closes and then all of a sudden it opens again. Maybe that’s just a sensor problem or a lubrication problem.
Update. The drivers side auto door won’t open with the key fob or the inside button on the dash. The door only opens when you manually open it but then you have to give it some help and it motors open but then it slingshots closed and doesn’t care if you’re in the way so the trapping sensor may be goosed? No faults in the dash and as yet I haven’t put my OBD11 on it yet. Any ideas?
A fault scan should give you an idea of what’s going on
Thanks Pauly. I’ll give that a go tomorrow. Weirdly I found a load of tape that was on the top of the slider/sensor thingy (I’m sorry for my lack of knowledge). Has a white PTFE wheel as part of it.