Template for Vankraft seat bracket - wooden insert

210 is dimension from top to centre height of centre cut radius. Each side piece should be 260 wide. The 210 dimension is badly placed
When you’ve got it done I recommend chamfer the edge I went thicker than recommended and routered the edge and bonded it to my seat frame
Yep, sorted now :p The printed copy I had did not show any of the faint lines. I’ve just looked at the image I posted and seen them. What a plonker :rolleyes:
It's by far not the best drawing ever. Glad you got it worked out. I did as @Niknak and chamfered the edges all round. It makes it fit very neatly.

It's by far not the best drawing ever. Glad you got it worked out. I did as @Niknak and chamfered the edges all round. It makes it fit very neatly.

View attachment 110662
What edge do you chamfer? the inner side facing the seat or outer side facing out towards back, And what thickness ply is used (reccomended, and what did you use) I just ordered 1 and may have this made ready (If i pull my socks up)
What edge do you chamfer? the inner side facing the seat or outer side facing out towards back, And what thickness ply is used (reccomended, and what did you use) I just ordered 1 and may have this made ready (If i pull my socks up)
Chamfer facing to the outside, so there's not a step in the fabric.

I used 6mm MDF.
Chamfer facing to the outside, so there's not a step in the fabric.

I used 6mm MDF.
I finally got this marked out ready to cut (out of the last piece of 6mm I have left, so don’t want to mess it up and have to buy full sheet) But a bit concerned with sizes.

If its 715mm wide minus 260 (for right side) minus 190mm (for centre cut out) that leaves 265mm for left side? Is this right or should they both be 260mm (making centre bigger than drawing at 195mm) or leave 190mm and make sides 262.5mm

Also If centre gap is 190 and a half circle is needed to be marked out at the bottom of centre gap (95mm radius), shouldn’t the 210mm measurement actually need to be 285mm minus 95mm=190mm (not 210mm)

Or is the centre line not actually the centre of the 715mm, but off set to the right by 5mm. I have shown this to engineer mate who said it don’t work out either, so I’m sure others have or will have same problem in future, so if its answered now it would save me and a load of others in the future.
Doesn't make sense to me, can anyone advise of a better drawing with dimensions?
Doesn't make sense to me, can anyone advise of a better drawing with dimensions?
Didnt really make sence to me Either, but after making it, i dont think tolerances are that important (try to be as acurate as you can though)
You should follow drawing ok to get the outside shape?
When makin centre cutout, the bottom of the half circle (your cutting out) will be 285mm from the top edge, width is 190 (so you'd think 95mm radius at bottom (but 285 minus 210 is 75mm radius) so bottom must be eclipse not semi circle) I just put a semi circle'ish at the bottom 95mm radius (this did actually cross the side cutout lines about 210mm down (or there abouts)) and it fitted ok, im sure i adjusted compass to maybe 97mm (maybe more) and moved the compass pin up the centre line, so the pencil struck the bottom and the 2 sides (at 210mm point) equally
You will end up with left leg 5mm bigger that right leg once centre cut out.
I didn't have any particular issues with the drawing but I did make one out of cardboard from a big box first - I just cut it out with scissors, tried it for size and then made the fine tuned final version from hardboard.
Hi as anyone looked at making this out of Acrylic or something similar, I was hoping to be able to stand on it and climb into the pop top, would the mdf take an adults weight ?
After some research I have ordered a sheet of 5mm Polycarbonate due to its strength, it was £44 including delivery, once cut to shape I will take some pictures if anyone is interested. Also due to having a resent operation on my hand will be getting DW Racing to fit it for me along with the folding mechanism. He is an ex VW Senior technician and race's in the TCR and VW cup as well as building and preparing various other cars.
I have sent the template diagram to a company called The Plastic Man and the are going to supply me with a CNC cut 5mm Polypropylene board cut to the exact shape required for £51 including VAT and Shipping. Will let you know how it goes.
Hi all got the CNC cut Polycarbonate board from The Plastic Man very happy with it, see it below, but when I was fitting the bracket and board realised that one of the nylon washers that fits in the side brackets (top hole is missing). Anybody know the part number for it.

Moreau, are you happy with your polycarbonate board? Are you able to stand on it? I would be interested in ordering one if they have your measurements. Thanks
Yes really pleased with it and it fitted perfectly, I believe they saved all the measurements so are able to CNC cut as many as required for other members.