Tight Yorkshireman and insurance shocker

I did also mean also people that live in their vans like van lifers I watched a documentary about a guy living in London on a street wonder what insurance you need for that lifestyle
Ah yes, I had not considered them. I do not have any idea how they may be regarded. Perhaps if not doing anything obviously illegal perhaps they are left to them selves. Certainly it is a shame and I do not envy them. At least they have a vehicle to stay dry and is their own personal space unlike the poor devils sleeping rough under plastic sheets or in large commercial bins. When I was young the only people one might rarely see like that where called tramps usually quite old very dishevelled. now so many and so young. It is all a bit Dickensian and a terrible shame and indictment that our country has come to this!
Top tip with LV somehow 450 quid which is just over half of what compared the meerkat asked
I’ve had the camper with LV for a few years. Nobody else (and I have tried the comparison sites and all the usual ones that get recommended on this forum) ever gets near. Oddly, with the car they weren’t as competitive so I moved that.

Really irks me an individual with (in my case) 30 years no claims on a car is seen as a fresh starter on other policies.
As if I’m going to flip my mindset around driving after taking care for so long.

Insurers seem to really know how to swindle us and get away with it.