Towing 4.7T train weight


New Member
I have a 2016 lwb T30 with dsg.
the drive train is rated at 5300kg.
I have a 7.5tonne licence....but........

I am possibly putting a compact tractor in the van (700kg) and a 1.5 tonne digger on the plant trailer so towing 2 tonne on a braked trailer so all up train weight of around 4700kg....theoretically all in legal is the but....anyone know how it pulls? I have to drive that lot almost 1000km....
any help thanked in advance.
cheers all.
I think @richi was referring to the power of the engine, i.e. they are all 2.0l.

Can't give you a direct answer but I have a fully loaded camper based on a T30 and tow a trailer with weight of circa 250kg - the van when loaded is getting towards the upper end of the limit at around 2800kg so all in well over 3000kg. My engine is the 150 DSG and you can't even feel the trailer weight when towing. Your train is half as heavy again but, so long as you have the 150 or 204 PS, I suspect you will be fine. thing you may have trouble with is the 700kg in the van, depending on where it is, causing quite a bit of compression on the rear springs (not sure if the LWB T30 suspension setup is the same as the SWB but a few of us with SWB camper conversions have had to look at getting uprated springs).
just checked it is the 150hp engine, so it seems it will be ok, thanks a lot guys, much appreciated.
I towed the digger down to France with a 5ltr V10 VW Touareg and you did not know you had a trailer without looking thats why I was concerned that my van would have enough oomph!
