Transporter/caravelle conversion

You can do it no problem. You need a friend to do it, the 3 seater bench is 90/100kg and a pain to remove and install Again.
Thanks! But I wonder, I thought with the multivan (not caravelle), you could slide the bench forward? Like in this video
Multivan and caravelle seat systems are the same. Once all the seats are in, you can slide them back and forth, but to get the singles onto row three in the first place, you have to take the bench out first, put them in, and then put the bench back in. Everything goes in and out by those points in the floor where the rail covers lift off.
I have managed to remove the 3 seater bench by myself. However key was my idraulic trolley and pot trolley. If you have something similar you can remove and reinstall the bench by yourself, with little effort and patienceIMG-0348.jpgIMG-0347.jpg. Hope it will be of help to someone in the future…

