A 9mm floor will work fine, I picked 12mm as it will likely give a little less and feal more solid for minimal extra cost, no anker points in the one I picked though.Nowhere specifically mentioned you had to use 12mm floor, so I bought a ply line kit for a T6 SWB with dual side step. Didn't take much notice of the floor size. As for the different lengths / cut, this has really got my goat! To long can be trimmed down, but too short and tough cookie!! Anker points are the wrong shape so circular holes need cutting in.
In a Kombi or conversion the new steps tidy the edges, see my pic ablove with the edge of the ply exposed however that's how my old van was and it was fine, this is my "posh" van so I want new steps to finish it off better.Nowhere specifies you need new side steps either. Would be useful to know which step gives what heights from metal van floor to underneath step lip .
I used 9mm battens which are the same height as the ribs in the floor glued directly to the floor. Purely to save screwing through the floor to hold it down (old van was screwed to the floor), This one is screwed to the battens. I added 2mm Dodomat between the battens because I had some from doing the sides and doors, but it still seems to be around the same height as the floor/battens. The Tecsound barrier is probably overkill but the overall effect is subjectively a lot quieter having done a few miles yesterday so pleased with my efforts and when the time comes to move the van on, it could well find home with someone that wants to convert it so should be of higher interest than one not done.There is no explanation how and why we place 6mm battens, I now understand it is to level the floor? The battens are glued with sika flex to the silent coat. The battens are then used to screw the 12mm floor to, this saves screwing to the van itself.
The Kombi step is 9mm taller than the standard van step and works very well with 12mm ply flooring covered in vinyl placed directly on the metal van floor.
These are around 20mm deeper than the traditional Kombi steps or 45mm deeper than a standard van one, so don't be fooled thinking you can use your existing steps when fitting Caravelle rails. A Caravelle is much higher than a normal Transporter Floor hence the need for different side steps.
I've been following, in the process of this for my van,
Battened the floor
Mine is a SWB and I think I just did it ad-hoc so no plans.is it a LWB? do you still have the plans/dimensions for the battens? thanks
@Skyliner33 - resurrecting the thread, what did you end up doing? I was looking at fitting Dodomat Duo (6.8mm) on top of 6mm batons to give some space to squeeze down, then 9mm ply and 2mm Altro.Ok, just been reading this thread again as Im now up to the stage where I need to order the floor.
Here is where I am at.
I have:
9mm batons on the floor. (Silent coat between batons so not contributing to height)
5mm underfloor insulation
2mm Altro flooring
With 12mm ply floor total height = 28mm
With 9mm ply floor total height = 25mm.
So I struggling with which ply floor and which steps will work best. Anyone shed some insight please.
Hi, i ended up selling the ply floor and fitting caravelle rails and seats and an OEM caravelle floor. Sorry that doesnt hepp lol much.@Skyliner33 - resurrecting the thread, what did you end up doing? I was looking at fitting Dodomat Duo (6.8mm) on top of 6mm batons to give some space to squeeze down, then 9mm ply and 2mm Altro.
When it arrives it’ll be a kombi and all my searches go round in circles with no sure answers.
Thanks - the search continues then!Hi, i ended up selling the ply floor and fitting caravelle rails and seats and an OEM caravelle floor. Sorry that doesnt hepp lol much.