Trying for a gas free conversion.

Interested in where you have fitted the Clayton. By my measurements I am struggling to find a place where it will fit in the units.
So my convertor is fitting it above the wheel arch lengthways so the 240V socket is useable from the rear of the van. These will be quite slim units at approx 360mm deep.
Take a look at whether a Remoska is suitable.
We use a Grand Remoska all the time; it’s like a mini electric oven. The lid has an electric element.
Rated at 580W it takes exactly 1Ah capacity out of the battery per minute when we run it from our 1000W Renogy inverter.
Cooks a meal in around 30-40mins.
We‘ve found it so versatile that we use it in the house instead of our main oven as well as in the van.
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