Under Seat Box


Has anyone found a box that will fit under the larger of the rear split seats? A T6.1 Kombi has zero storage, glove box is tiny..

I was looking for a box to store stuff like spare dog lead, towel, torque wrench emergency stuff. I was looking at a Daken trailer boxes but I don't think they would fit very well.

Preferably black because anyone looking in wouldn't really see it.
I use two of these from ikea which work well, but annoyingly don’t fit the jack in

I think some others use euro box’s but I’ve not worked out which size I need
Has anyone found a box that will fit under the larger of the rear split seats? A T6.1 Kombi has zero storage, glove box is tiny..

I was looking for a box to store stuff like spare dog lead, towel, torque wrench emergency stuff. I was looking at a Daken trailer boxes but I don't think they would fit very well.

Preferably black because anyone looking in wouldn't really see it.
If you search for "kombi storage" you get a variety of results like this . Some stuff for sale, some build threads
A few people have come up with solutions
Bespoke box fits between the front seats just gotta sus a way to fix to the floor don’t really want to screw it down


£14, 24 Litre box from Hobby Craft fits under the back seats nicely. Keeps everything nice and tidy. I have a foot pump, my towbar, a spare ratchet strap and all sorts of smaller 'essentials'.
It's 700mm bang on wide but the shape is like a wedge. Wouldn't it be great if someone made a box to fit in there that could be attached to the seat frame.
It's 700mm bang on wide but the shape is like a wedge. Wouldn't it be great if someone made a box to fit in there that could be attached to the seat frame.
Is that a hint ?you are a bit far from me or I’d be glad to make 2