Vent needed for Waeco crx50 fridge?

Nice finish, good info if ever have fan problem, added vent when fitting new fridge as advised from t6 member info


As I live in a hot climate this post is of great interest to me. When your van heats up the fridge compressor runs more often drawing more power from your battery so I also have added 5 more vents in furniture that fridge is mounted in.
Also added a 12v fan blowing on condenser / compressor.
The area above the fridge gets quite hot so the more ventilation the better.
I have put a sailtrack on the drivers/ fridge side of van as suggested by members of this forum and that certainly keeps the sun off the side of the van causing interior to be cooler .
Anything that makes your leisure battery use less power is worth doing if you plan wild camping for more than a couple of days.