Its a Gel carbon acid battery, so in reality, I only have 55ah available which is looking like a bottle neck. Maybe i should leave out the microwave for the time being. So many more things to consider than," oh im gonna whack in a microwave" hahaWhat battery is your 110ah ?
Sorry for being thick my side , but what do you mean by mains voltage, I think it is standard 230/240v.Personally i would be finding out what the actual mains voltage rating of the microwave is (not just the 700W microwave power) and deciding from there, no point over specifying and spending more than you need too
Yeh that's just a standard SLA battery.Its a Gel carbon acid battery, so in reality, I only have 55ah available which is looking like a bottle neck. Maybe i should leave out the microwave for the time being. So many more things to consider than," oh im gonna whack in a microwave" haha
As regards to run time i would be looking only 4 min runs like 2/3 times a day at max. very light usage
Thanks, definitely looks like I need to upgrade my system then. Shame, but just what it is another learning curve. Thanks for helping me get this right, super appreciated!Yeh that's just a standard SLA battery.
You will have trouble running a 1000w inverter off that.... What will happen is the voltage will sag as you start pulling high current..... That will then trigger the inverter low voltage shut down.
And as you say 110ah SLA = 55ah due to dod.
So the 100ah lithium for the 1000w inverter would equal two of those SLA battery's....
Thanks, appreciated!You should be able to fit two Renogy smart lithium under the seat.. as you can fit them standing up.
Or fit them in the rear?
Have a look here for some ideas....
Seat Base Electric + EHU + Solar Install + Charger + DC-DC -- How We Done it --
Seat Base Electric + EHU + Solar Install + Charger + DC-DC -- How We Done it -- id like to build a thread showing what's possible as regards to seat base builds. lets post a collection of our electrical installs, be it in the seat base or rear conversion. just EHU or SCR/VSR, charger,
This is one nice looking battery, price is what it is but I guess it will last a good 15yrs or so. Also like the look of the 10 yr warranty. Thanks for the recommendations!Have you seen the Roamer range?..
I'm running a 230SB .
It's a 230ah lifepo4
Roamer LiFePO4 Gen2 230Ah Seatbase battery -- "How I Done It" --
Roamer LiFePO4 Gen2 230Ah Seatbase battery -- "How I Done It" -- Its a Lithium LifePo4, its got massive capacity @ 230Ah, its got massive discharge performance 250A/500A, its Bluetooth, its a Roamer !!, its exciting . . . . . its coming soon - the full test . . . .
I saw yours is up for sale but my Valence power pack is too small to drive it.interested in a cheap Renogy 2k inverter?
For Sale - @Dellmassive - List of SALE items & Garage Clear-out
@Dellmassive - List of SALE items & Garage Clear-out this thread is for me to list our "For Sale" bits, as listing them on my thread is getting a bit long. . . so ill keep adding to this list with new kit that will be for sale: Mods - please keep this live .