To those who have paid up: All posted now so watch out for the delights landing on your doormats next week! Thank you!
To those who haven’t paid up: Shame on you for crushing the hopes and dreams of a 12 year old! Your coasters are ready to post but in the meantime, cast envious glances at your fellow members who are enjoying the fruits of a child’s labour!
To those who deliberately overpaid (you know who you are guys!) to give the lad a bonus, thank you so much - that absolutely made his day! He couldn’t believe it when I told him. (I will be making a separate donation to MacMillan, my preferred charity, in your honour.)
Now that the appreciation and pisstaking bits are out of the way, we must deal with a cockup! When we went to the post office the other evening to weigh and price-up the packages, the 1st and 2nd class quotes came back higher than the actual cost we paid today. I shall ping members separately to arrange refunds. (It’s roughly £1.50 back to you guys….hardly worth the effort but a good lesson for him about “doing the right thing” in business.)