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Hi, I have a 6.1 camper converted by AMC Campers. Have seen some useful dialog on the forum ... so joined.

New owner here, only a few days! I've got this 21 plate SWB T6.1 T30. Only 19k on clock, interior is really nice. 2 front seats, 3 single back seats. It also has a foot height bulkhead type thing, that slides in and out which is ideal for me. I run a business which means I occasionally need to go out with beer barrels in the back (up to 8). I use a thick rubber mat and I'm getting a rhino bootliner, whince!

I don't want to make any changes at the moment as I love the look and feel of it (although I'm slightly concerned about the height, but that's for a different thread!)

Just wanted to say Hi!


Thanks. I’m looking for a late T6 LWB manual around the 150hp. Ideally tailgate but not a deal breaker. I plan on converting myself and the only thing I’m not sure on yet is pop top or not
We have just converted a 6.1 lwb high top and find the additional storage a total game changer.