West Midlands T6F Members (open to all!)

Are you willing to attend?.

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Sounds like a really good day. Gutted I missed it but will do my best to make the next one.
Can you remind me of the date please @Fish
Glad the day went well for everyone . Van at converters now so once sorted we hope to meet you all:thumbsup:
Unfortunately we cannot reserve parking areas, but if you arrive quite early you should have no problem parking togetherish, I would aim for the furthest car park as you enter passed our visitor reception.
Best wishes
Angie Baxter
Property Administrator
Attingham Park
Next challenge will be cadac use..
I guess the thing to watch is the sites do still get some kind of revenue from our visits. If we all start parking up using cadacs and then vanishing they may start moaning. I imagine a few will still go and browse the sites if the weather is nice.
Cant make this one either, I'll be in Holland drinking beer and riding bikes :p
Oh @Ed Webb I'll have to wait another month for my center console mod then!! was hoping to see what a cracking job youve done