West Midlands T6F Members (open to all!)

Are you willing to attend?.

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Great idea, we’d be up for it and we’re NT members. Attingham definitely worth a try, plenty of space and great play area for the kids. No experience of the others yet though.
Brockhampton is lovely.. very much worth a trip
Just to keep members who are interested updated...
I have spoken with NT sites today and working on a suitable date that doesn't clash with their events.
So far all sites listed have been positive.. i know they wont turn us away at the gate but always best to make them aware of out impending arrival and intentions.
Be nice if they offered a special parking area

This will be the agreement.. we will have a section for us.
For instance at Brockhampton and Berrington they have MG enthusiast meet there and have a taped off area but invite members of the public to join them in looking at the display cars etc.

This is part of the reason that I have spoken to the NT sites I have in mind, just to check they have the room and space in the parking area for 5 - 15 vans and 1/2 awnings etc.
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It is really hard to judge at this stage, I am not sure if 1 central locations is best or multiples...
multiples will encourage more members to join in as it maybe closer..
on the other hand one central location, traveling hr/hrhalf seems reasonable for those that really do want to get involved... a nice day out at NT would brake(sp @DaveyB ) up any boredom etc.
Can I suggest at some point you do Sudbury
Hall. Children’s museum. Not central but great for the kids and adults too. Nice playground and caffe etc. Would be nice to attract members from the East without getting too out of your way.
Can I suggest at some point you do Sudbury
Hall. Children’s museum. Not central but great for the kids and adults too. Nice playground and caffe etc. Would be nice to attract members from the East without getting too out of your way.

I'll look into it.. :thumbsup:
Well, for me it would be Shugborough, (selfish i know its the closest) when its a little warmer to, fair weather guy you see.
I will look at the location but unfortunately will have to think about the majority..

Obviously I this is not going to suit everyone but think alittle effort by all will help this get off the ground..