You think you know evil. Then along comes reality,( not the Spielberg portrayal) which is way way worse. It amazes me, that so many European countries cannot see beyond tomorrows dinner. Why is it that the USA and Britain are front and centre, when the likes of super rich countries like Switzerland, Luxembourg are so self centred.
Can someone with more schooling and knowledge help me to understand the people of these countries, that think that they have the right to hide under the pillow and hope the monster will disappear. Besides Poirot,( even fiction) can you name another Belgium or famous Luxembourger. If they are there then those countries need to show us more. That they are prepared to engage and sacrifice to fight evil.
Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napolean, Hitler wanted world domination, Krushev and Mao, as far as I know, just wanted total control of their countries. But how far would Putin go, and is there a new Putin, in the wings?
Apologies for the depth, but am short on pubs/clubs etc that are available to explore and debate. That is unless you know otherwise, in the Norwich area.