Well - I've had Buster now since early 2019.
Bought as a LWB panel van and converted by the nice folk
@AJCConversions immediately after.
Before it landed back with the moomin family, we started buying "stuff".
Some "stuff" we knew we needed, some "stuff" we thought we needed and other "stuff" the great Forum collective suggested we needed.
I have a lot of bought "stuff" that is squirreled away in various places (shed, garage, spare bedroom, office, stores at work etc.) as if the chief accountant got to find out about it, my life would not be as good as it is today...
So this is a list of stuff, I have bought, but not (yet) fitted or used:
1. Vw logo'd 3 piece doorstep mats - bought 2019
2. Vw front & rear chrome badges, sprayed matt black - bought 2019
3. Vw front underneath logo plastic, sprayed Bamboo Green - bought 2019
4. Travelin Lite 2 off sets of locking wheel nuts - bought 2019
5. Vw door card clips, purchased "just in case" - bought 2019
6. 3 bike rain cover - bought 2019
7. Bike rain cover red & white warning sign - bought 2019
8. 12 Delta strong composite tent pegs (as recommended by
@VanDamMan) - bought 2020
9. H&R ARBS from
@CRS Performance - bought 2020
10. Vw 340mm front "big brake" calipers & carriers, purchased with help from Oli
@BognorMotors - bought 2021
11. Vw new rear calipers & carriers - bought 2021
12. Items 10 & 11 sent for painting Candy Apple Red - in 2022
13. Nutexa 340mm dimpled discs & pads from
@CRS Performance - bought 2023
14. Nutexa 294mm dimpled discs & pads from
@CRS Performance - bought 2023
15. Vw Golf Mk 7.5 flat bottomed steering wheel (spare 1, no buttons) from
@Texxaco - bought 2023
16. Vw star washers, purchased "just in case" - bought 2023
17. Vw various trim clips, purchased "just in case" - bought 2023
18. Vanstyle new front splitter, painted Bamboo Green by
@Alan@Crafted automotive - bought 2023
19. Vw wheel nut covers, painted Bamboo Green by
@Alan@Crafted automotive - bought 2023
20. Vw logo'd st/steel valve covers - bought 2023
21. Fiamma F45S new front end cap - bought 2023
22. Swooshy 12v front bonnet lights (2 sets - 1 set purchased as a "spare"!!) - bought 2023
22. Wing mirror red stripes - Xmas prezzie 2023
23. Aluminium drivers footrest & infill painted black by
@Alan@Crafted automotive - Xmas prezzie 2023
24. Upper front grill red stripes - Xmas prezzie 2023
So there it is - my list of "stuff" to fit, that I really should have already fitted.
I must do better in 2024

I know a trip to
@CRS Performance is on the cards Q1 this year for a suspension upgrade.
A few of the above "stuff will be fitted at the same time.
This has had partial clearance / agreement from the chief accountant for pennies to be wisely invested

Steve & Steve's lad will be glad to see the back of me, as every time I see them, I remind them that 1 day I will be making that important trip to CRS HQ @ Cannock, with my ever growing list of jobs.
I actually feel a little bit better now, that I've shared everything I've hoarded with the great T6 Forum family
Anybody else with "stuff" to fit?
@Skyliner33 - You of anybody must have "stuff" stashed away after all the "change of mind" things you've bought?