the bed system in my SCA is a sprung wooden slats which I don't think others have and also the canvas can be replaced, again i don't think others can. happy to be proved wrong.
Anybody done a lowlife stealth roof? I'm new to this but assume its like a Hi-lo but in carbon fibre. I thinking of a reimo - all looks excellent but not keen on the overall look. Lowlife roof looks really nice....not easy.
Looked at the low life roof at Busfest, and compared side by side with Hilo. Thought the lowlife one was rubbish. Hinges are inside the canvas. Roof looked flimsy. The paint had been rubbed off the roof down to bare metal where the closed poptop clearly judders around.Thank you. I had a look at Vision Tech Automotive the message says they can't take calls and the email bounces back. I'll try again. Thanks for thoughts. Still looking for people who have had the lowlife roof fitted.
Personally I like the Hilo. Don’t have a pop top yet..........That's really helpful - thank you. As I say, I'm very new to all this but the van is ordered so I'm in nowReading the threads, people clearly like the SCA. Is there a general consensus to go SCA over Reimo or am I getting into all sorts of personal tastes? Really, I'm just looking to navigate immediately away from anything that members know is inferior - hence your experience at Busfest is so useful to me as a novice. I want a van as a keeper so more interested in getting it right than saving the cash.