Which? roof rails for a T6?


T6 Pro
Hi guys.

Just got my original VW roof rails.

The fitting looks simple enough but in the box there are what looks like 6 black plastic spacers, not the rubber gaskets.

these plastic spacer like bits don't seem to fit into the rails anywhere.

Any idea what they might be for or there they go?

Regards XS
Hi XS, Be interested to know how they fit - as looking to add them to mine...but seen some differing reports on here about all sorts of sealant being required and pads requiring grinding down so they fit.....

Also did you get them direct from VW dealership?
Hi. I got mine from my local main dealer.

Fitting was simple and fitment not too bad. One of the ends does not sit quite right but I am sure that can be adjusted at a later date.

Quality overall very good for the price imho.
What is the load rating on OEM rails? I see loads of aftermarket ones on eBay but they seem to be light duty only 30KG max load.
I haven't got them fitted, but just looking into it, I rang vw last week and It was about £150 supply only just for the rails.
No it may vary dealer to dealer, but not as bad as I thought, I think its the actual bars that bump the price up depending on what manufacturer you go with. I have noticed the cheaper ones tend to have a lower weight capacity, and ultimately that's the whole point in having them fitted to carry some sort of weight.
Remember to use a good splodge of silicone around the bolt when you anchor them on the roof. A lot of folk have reported how they have had terrible water leaks that have been traced back to the fixings. @Roca had a particularly catastrophic experience and has had to reject his van and order another.
I’d get an external grade one, but other than that, they are all fairly similar.
Just tweaked the fitment. Looks like one of the feet is slightly out. Just added a small piece of foam gasket. Tightened up nicely now with no gaps. You can't even see what I added.

Suspect there is a slight twist in one rail which caused the small gap.

I can't see how, if fitted correctly it would leak but just in case I have used a little silicone sealant at the roof entry points as well as the supplied foam washers.

Hope this helps others?

Regards XS.
Fitting by VW was like an additional 30 quid if memory serves. I guess they warrant Thier work so that's an option and not really much.

I wanted to fit mine as I have added some additional supports to one side to help attach my F30 awning brackets just to make double sure it does for pull of my VW awning rail. Just don't trust the bonded rail alone.
Norwegian VW dealer has taken it out of sales, won’t sell nor mount rails... i wonder why...