Winter Storage - have I made a Mistake


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T6 Guru
Evening chaps, I've recently installed this wheel wall rack for my 20' Leighton wheels and tyres.

It never crossed my mind at the time of ordering to be honest but could the bars cause flat spots after being in storage for 5 months. It's not realistic for me to rotate them weekly unfortunately.

Anyone stored their summer wheels like this and had issues?

Thanks in advance

Yeah i'd of thought it would be ok but read somewhere it's not recommended. My thought process is the weight is focused in two spots for 5 months. When on the car they would only ever be sitting on one spot for a few weeks tops.
You’ll be fine! You haven’t created 2 flat spots!

Parked up on a rack under their own individual weight is a damned sight better than parked up with the weight of a van
A wheel weighs tops - 10Kg.
Van weighs minimum 1600Kg - per wheel 400Kg.
Don't think you have a problem really.
I agree it won't be an issue, I store all my race wheels like this and they have much lower pressures.

My Elise wheels are 15-18Kg each, so I would think a T6 wheel would be closer to 30kg, especially my swamper wheels.