Personally I always run top quality rubber
Ordinarily i'd totally agree with you there, until recently.
I'm not saying higher end brands are not brilliant, but my wife was complaining that her new Continentals were awful on her Mini in the greasy cold weather. She was spot on, they struggled to grip, and felt like you were on ice on bends, so I popped into my tyre shop with the intention of buying premium winters, but my guy talked me into a set of Minerva Frostrack winter tyres (formally owned by Continental) I stuck them on and it totally transformed the drive of her Mini, so much so, that i've just collected these for my 19s yesterday, and they being fitted tomorrow.
Less than £70 a tyre, load rated and in my exact size.
I will know how they feel pretty quickly, in comparison with my Eagle F1s, which are next to useless this time of year, and the Nexan SU1, which isn't much better.