Bed foam - size, type, firmness?


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I'm making my own bed frame using aluminium profile, and IKEA bed slats which are 50mm x 10mm thick. There's going to be 3x 'frames' so 3 lots of slats, running lengthways.


It'll be for one person, bed width around 75cm wide, I'm 80kg or so.

So, out of the myriad of bed foam choices, what's best?

I've found Foam cut to size & upholstery foam - UK's largest foam store to be decent with a good range of choice. Currently looking at 4" thick, out of 'Reflex Superior (firm)' which is a semi memory foam type, foam.


Any thoughts? What have you got, and would you have gone thicker or thinner that you have?
Front. Don't judge me! :rofl:
Niche choice!

I haven't used aftermarket foam as I have a Cali but that has about 25mm dense memory foam over wooden slats and I'm a 90kg side sleeper so theoretically worse for comfort and I find that acceptable with a sleeping bag.

Just incase you needed more storage space you might be able to go slimmer. Obviously your mileage may vary and comfort is very subjective.
Niche choice!

I haven't used aftermarket foam as I have a Cali but that has about 25mm dense memory foam over wooden slats and I'm a 90kg side sleeper so theoretically worse for comfort and I find that acceptable with a sleeping bag.

Just incase you needed more storage space you might be able to go slimmer. Obviously your mileage may vary and comfort is very subjective.
Oh wow, didn't realise the Cali mattress was that thin!

I see the Jerba pop top also has a slatted base and uses a 30mm mattress.

Interesting, thanks. I'm not too limited by height as it's not in a pop top.

I'll be using a square type sleeping bag too, which will add a little comfort. Might go for 2" foam.
I used efoam to make my bed cushions.

We went for 5inches thickness with 2inch of memory foam on top. We slept on rock and roll bed before and found it very uncomfortable and the cushions that came with the van furniture looked really thin.

We’ve only slept on it for a few occasions so far but I’m really pleased with it. It was delivered quite quickly as I recall as well.

Hi - daft question but when you're sat on this how much do sink into it?

Trying to work out some dimensions specifically if I'm sat on a mattress you have would there be much given - mainly want to be able to sit upright without my bonce touching the roof
I went for 3" foam from efoam in high (firm) with a 1" memory foam top (Inc in the 3"). I'd guess I sink in 2" at most, the memory foam layer is quite soft but the firm layer is, well.. firm :D

How comfortable is that mattress?

Normally when I'm picking a mattress I'll wander into the shop and lie on it, rather than asking relative strangers subjective questions about their nighttime comfort but here we are :whistle:
I haven't used it properly yet but it seems perfectly fine tbh! I've got proper IKEA bed slats below it so that'll add a bit of comfort.