Search results for query: Start stop

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  1. Skyliner33

    Eberspacher start up cause LEDs to flicker

    Have had a search but couldn't find the answer to my problem. I have just had 2 single colour LED strip COB lights fitted. I noticed last night that when I start up the Eberspacher heater the lights flicker for a few minutes whilst the heater is starting up. Then after a few minutes as the...
  2. C

    Worrying Clunk noise when starting the engine

    Hello everyone, not sure if anyone has had this issue but it is worrying me. I have a 2016 T6 102 startline. Everytime I start the engine I get an initial clunk when the engine starts, then the engine runs fine. Then today I was in traffic with start/stop active. I depressed the clutch to move...
  3. S

    Rough Idle

    Hi all. I've noticed a rough/slight rumble to my Idle. It only happens when I've done some short journeys about town, low speed, stop and start & even once the engine is uo to temp. If I've been on a good steady run like my commute I don't get it. It's not the DMF I don't think as engaging the...
  4. D

    Hissing noise when take foot off gas pedal around 2k rpms

    It will stop the hissing it I increase or decrease acceleration slightly. It will also stop if I put the clutch in. I've never tried it going down hill actually
  5. roadtripper

    [SOLVED] Start/stop not activating very often

    Start Stop and AC interact in a subtly more complex way than, say, the fan speed. On mine the Start Stop and Climate Control will activate with the AC on but it's clearly kicking the engine back on when it knows there is a demand on the compressor.
  6. P

    Requesting help from MMI if possible.

    Hi mmi All is good the garage have replaced the sensor yesterday and the van is happy. Stop start and regen all working fine. Thanks once again for your help. Paul
  7. Tony Abbott

    Pioneer Stereo Stop Start Issue

    Turn the stop/start off. It is not good for the engine and it uses more fuel.
  8. Paynewright

    - 204ps Bi-Turbo CXEB T6 Engine & Turbo problems -

    Having had a few turbos I’ve always allowed the turbo to calm down after a fast run, eg pulling into motorway services. With stop/start, I turn it off or restart the engine if I forget and let the turbo spool down for a few minutes. Never understood this detrimental aspect of stop start - the...
  9. N

    KPH to MPH

    Would I be able to disable the stop/start function using the OBD2 scanner as well? Thanks in advance
  10. Deaky

    Solar Panel no controller

    There are 1001 things that disable stop start, aircon, lights, climate fan speed etc, etc. It’s not a guaranteed thing that the engine will stop when the van stops.
  11. CJW

    Broken down need help!

    BCM crapped out maybe? Starting then stopping straight away could be the immobiliser. It’s what happens to mine when I forget to disable it.
  12. ahobden

    Stop/Start error after pressing the button !

    Nah, unfortunately not. Error start stop or Error stop start,
  13. I

    Engine warning light

    Thanks for your insight Stay Frosty. I haven't really found a problem with the van starting. It can take a second or two to respond to the key being turned but I thought that was just a diesel thing. The stop/start is a bit intermittent though - sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I just put it...
  14. W

    Battery help for Dummies needed

    Check your starter battery - if you have start/stop, then you have an AGM battery. Best put the mode to car/AGM on your CTEK for the SB.
  15. roadtripper

    T6.1 ignition delay

    With the start stop system the start is entirely controlled by the ECU not the ignition lock switch - the ignition lock switch is just another "please start" signal. On mine I'm now just used to pressing the brake (DSG not manual) and flicking the ignition on briefly. Try it on yours.
  16. roadtripper

    T6.1 ‘Only Leave Vehicle In P Position’

    The warning isn't pointless if the van can't sense the position of the gear selector. You could damage the starter pinion trying to start a DSG box in gear and if it also disables the start stop (I can't recall if it does) then that may be an MOT issue as it's emissions related.
  17. z1ts

    Stop/Start error after pressing the button !

    So does mine. It never stops.... why anyone would want S/S to work as designed is a mystery I'll probably go to my grave with unsolved!!
  18. Dellmassive

    Alternator linbus wire fault

    More info here... .
  19. J

    Starter Battery charging issue

    It's at 11.7 and will start. I'm just trying to stop the battery draining any further / look at future charing options.