Search results for query: dilution

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  1. I

    Fresh water system deep-clean!

    I checked this morning. We have a Bullfinch port for the shower outlet. But the water inlet port is just a lockable port with a hole to insert a hose for filling it up. So I assume I’m going to have to attach a funnel to a length of hose and put the diluted water purifier in that way. Or...
  2. D

    Oil consumption

    From memory it takes 0.5L to raise from minimum to maximum oil level on the dipstick. Being 1.5L below minimum is very low. My 2016, CFCA 180ps oil level does not visibly reduce between annual oil changes (8-10K miles) and oil analysis does not show fuel dilution.
  3. D

    A recurring oil issue on T6,1.

    Good advice in Post 2 and 4, but reducing the oil level is a short term, get you home fix. Your oil has been diluted, most likely with diesel. (The alternative is worse). Removing some oil is a good idea if that's all you can do while abroad, as explained in post 2, but as soon as you...
  4. roadtripper

    Main and Battery Supply not Working after Jump Start

    The oil level issue is well known and likely unrelated. If you filled beyond the middle of the dipstick then yes you likely overfilled otherwise it's more likely failed regens are diluting the oil. After you had a jump start did you do some significant engine hours to ensure the battery was...
  5. Tony Abbott

    [Resolved] T6 Oil level too high

    Hi @DXX , thank you for your reply. Ok not a burn, I am a 60 MPH cruise control man myself. I plan to reduce the Oil level to half on the hatched area on the dipstick then take it out. I will take b4 and after photos and report back to you. My question is, without spending 45£ a time, how...
  6. D

    Seeking non-VW advice

    I can only go on the experience we have had, although we moved each car on at less than 40K miles so I can't know what problems awaited the new owners.
  7. burnsy79

    T6.1 Reduce Oil warning

    Cheers dude. It’s driving me nuts. I followed the video and thought I’d cracked it yesterday. Need to spend a bit of time sorting tomorrow again. This van! At least my wheels and tyres are now sorted lol.
  8. Ian09

    T6.1 too much oil warning - how worried should I be?

    I’ve had exactly the same issue with my T6.1, had the software update which fixed it. There’s a few threads on here that explain the issue better than I can, something about the way euro 6 diesel engines work and fuel dilution.
  9. Bigsidavies

    Oil change: flush or not?

    I used a flush at my last oil change as the van was on 113k and I thought I’d give it a good flush. I won’t flush it again though as I’d rather have old oil residue than diluted flush/oil left behind.
  10. JOG

    What Have You Bought Today?

    Fair point - it may be a bit OTT for domestic use. Still, at just over a £/l it was a good price. BTW, it’s a nice part of the world you’re from!
  11. JOG

    What Have You Bought Today?

    Go for a 1:60 mix and let it last even longer. That stuff will strip everything off (polish etc)
  12. Camper_Chris

    Oil level too high warning… AGAIN

    ...heats up and its volume expands I believe it triggers the warning. When my new T6.1 was delivered I noticed the oil level was 1/2 on the dip stick, the result I've not been affected by this issue. My oil level when cold is still 1/2 way on the dip stick so no evidence of diesel dilution of...
  13. Bulldogboy

    Top end tapping noise on cold startup

    ...2018 plate. How do we know as second hand buyers of these euro 6 engines, that they havnt suffered from excessive wear previously due to excessive oil dilution??? I paid 26 grand for this and its startinh to worry me a bit, just want an idea of what to hit VW with when i say i want it looking at
  14. J

    Oil Service Notification Every Few Weeks

    Good day all :) Hope you can help. I've owned my T6 LWB STN 4M 2l since August last year. When I purchased it it soon came up with an oil service notification (NOT warning light, see example image). I contacted the seller who provided evidence that it had an oil change not 2 months ago, but to...
  15. L

    A Good Snow Foam....

    I’ve just started not wetting the van before applying snow foam recently makes sense not diluting I’m a Bilt Hamber fanboy
  16. P

    Wash & Wax Time . . . . . . But Which One And How?

    never tried it as a snow foam proberly can't see how it would'nt work but i just put a gulg of it in a bucket of hot water
  17. D


    Very true! Sometimes we just come here for reassurance. And there's nothing wrong with that. :) a good place to bounce some ideas I guess.
  18. D

    [Resolved] T6 Oil level too high

    ...code or not if the oil level on the dipstick is over the max level it needs attention. If you have breakdown cover / VW Assist get them out, they can assess why it is over level and syringe some out. If it is significant fuel / coolant dilution the engine will be wrecked if you carry on...
  19. A

    Fresh water system deep-clean!

    Great news as it makes it a bit easier. I have a length of food grade hose I use for filling so I’d advise you get same and keep in your van in a bag. Halfords, eBay and leisure shops all sell them. I think I grabbed mine from Halfords.
  20. C

    Webasto Thermotop coolant type

    Can anyone confirm if the Flomasta 0623 Concentrated Central Heating Inhibited I bought today is the correct antifreeze,mid so what dilution do I use? thanks