Search results for query: dilution

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  1. L

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    I think the one usual service and the just an oil change at a garage or DIY is the way to go. Always did that with my vintage cars and they kept going long after many modern things are scrapped. As for comments about paying for something that isn’t designed for short journeys… no ICE car likes...
  2. DaveCrampton

    Wash & Wax Time . . . . . . But Which One And How?

    Question for regular Autoglym Magma users. I used this on my van for the second time after buying it in the summer. After a spray of all the lower panels the 'liquid' ran out but I notice there is a heavy sediment in the bottom. What should I add to try to dilute the product? It's water soluble...
  3. FerrisBFW

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    Oh geeze this is nuts. How is this possible? How are VW able to just walk away from this issue. All the years of driving around Europe with not a care in the world, and now we have CAZ and clean zones etc and engines that are eating themselves that you cant even drive safely over a few 100...
  4. Bulldogboy

    VW closes T6.1 order book today (3/3/23) !!!! - T7 Next? or T8?

    ...that have never heard about this, i hadnt. Fords loony tunes service schedule of oil changes every 30k doesnt help as it leads to severe oil dilution from failed regens. I drive in France twice a year, wasnt prepared to take the risk. Sure you can get the belt done for £1200 , but what about...
  5. D

    Oil level too high warning… AGAIN

    ...Suck a small amount of oil out of the dipstick, take a photo of the new level of oil on the dipstick then re check it after a couple of weeks. That way you'll know if it was overfilled by the dealer or if you're getting oil dilution.
  6. T

    Gastore underslung tank high pressure leak after tank solenoid

    Hi, as per the title, I have a serious gas leak from my underslung Gastore tank between the tank connection and the regulator only when the solenoid is switched on. I can't see exactly where it is from, as it is within the plastic 'turret' that covers the high pressure feed connection and the...
  7. CarreraRSR

    Low oil pressure after Engine Recondition

    Absolutely must get that old oil tested to know exactly what metal is in that oil and the overall health of the engine. Bearing metals. Piston and ring metals. Cylinder surface metals. Could there be diesel diluting it. Soot levels. Assume you had a running in oil for first 500-1000kms and...
  8. D

    Unleaded Fuel In Diesel

    When you add injector cleaner (150mL of alcohol) to a full tank of fuel it states not to add more than one bottle, reason being that it is a solvent. You’ve added 15000 mL of something almost as solvent. Aside from fuel system lubrication there is the issue of detonation (knocking) and...
  9. Bigsidavies

    [Resolved] T6 Oil level too high

    Out of curiosity what was the oil like that came out? Thick/thin? Diluted? Smell of diesel?
  10. D

    Anti roll bar dust cover missing.

    You’re right to wonder IMO, I can’t see anything missing.
  11. D

    ‘Oil level too high’ warning

    Frankly VW will give any reason, software updates etc instead of informing the customer that they may have fuel dilution of the engine oil. I suspect that would affect engine warranty terms. For approx £40 it's worth getting an oil analysis, simple enough to do yourself with a cheap syringe and...
  12. Scottish Scrutineer

    Wash & Wax Time . . . . . . But Which One And How?

    G101 is so useful. I use it diluted at 1:30 for general cleaning, and 1:10 for heavy duty grime. Cobalt is also good for a quick shine and seal, even use it on our bikes to ease washing mud off. How are you using the Duet @pip13 ? can you apply as a snow foam?
  13. Bav

    Seeking non-VW advice

    Car is now back from repair. It actually needed 2 new injectors, but I got them to replace 3 (the fourth one was replaced at the end of last year, so all 4 are now new). It also needed an oil change as it was badly diluted with fuel - this pic shows just how much unburnt fuel was passing...
  14. R

    T6.1 oil level warning: Reduce Oil Level!

    Your oil is being diluted with diesel from a regeneration not being finished. Very common fault with this engine. I’ve had no end of hassle with this my T6 has been back in my local VW specialist 7 times now, they had it for a week one time. Now admitting there’s nothing more they can do until...
  15. A

    what degreaser is everyone using before sound deadening the panels

    Good point. I have some already though so will probably just use it. Not too expensive when diluted down You can get 1L neat for around £10.
  16. D

    2017 204PS BiTDi - Seized turbo!

    ...90 deg C coolant temp’. If the engine is consuming oil it’s going to cause more re-generations than would be regarded as normal, more fuel dilution and carbon contamination of the oil. Carbon contamination causing oil control ring failure, more oil consumption, more carbon……….. Regular oil...
  17. C

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    I think this explains what might be going on here....
  18. D

    A recurring oil issue on T6,1.

    ...optimum engine lubricant) is that rapidly moving engine parts (crank) could dip into the oil if the level is too high, causing the oil to froth as it becomes aerated. frothy oil doesn't lubricate the engine effectively. Further oil dilution on the journey home is only going to increase that...
  19. J

    Particle sensor fault

    ...circuit , reset went off for two weeks now back on reset and on following day also noticed the adblue counter stuck on 5000 miles and no dilution figures ? Guessing the sensor has had it . Rang vw been given part no 04L906261G but non in stock everyone else I ring says it should be 04L906261F...
  20. S

    T6.1 Reduce oil level and Oil dilution

    My warning light has been coming on every 2-4 months since I’ve had it…even after the update….it’s been taken apart by a master technician who said there is nothing wrong with it. I’m really concerned about the long term impact this will have on the engine as I plan to keep it a long time….I've...