Search results for query: phone

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  1. kjohnr2001

    Carista Beta

    Downloaded TestFlight onto my phone but have no email or redemption code - followed the instructions but now hung-up....
  2. JOG

    Batten down the hatches!

    If it is overkill, the “abuse” of warning systems will backfire. What does the blaring phone signal? Stay indoors? Evacuate the area? Don’t travel? Check that the greenhouse door is closed?!! People tend to resent overt “Big Brother” eg repeatedly refusing ID cards yet merrily sharing vast...
  3. lukethompson86

    Halogen vs led rear lights

    Can anyone clarify this for me ? Really lost on this one , will phone the dealer if not was just hoping I could sort it without having to speak to them! Cheers all
  4. davecdjt

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    Washed it, it was minging! It’s looking better now. And I simultaneously drained the starter battery because I had the phone plugged in to the van for Apple Play to connect whilst I was waiting for a phone call, so the ignition was on too. I’ve borrowed a battery charger because I loaned mine...
  5. Vroomfondel

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    Got it, thanks
  6. Bigsidavies

    Phone charging solutions for T6 campervan

    ...have a flush-fitting wireless charger if you're happy to cut a hole in the worktop. For me that loses the flexibility of being able to use the phone whilst it is charging so cables it is. What is the advantage of a magsafe charger plugged into a usb socket over just a cable from usb to phone...
  7. Trouts

    Do you value Your Privacy?

    or any social media. or a mobile phone. bearing in mind of course that the tech companies already have this info, so your 'privacy' isn't really private anyway.
  8. dubber36

    T6 Aftermarket Digital Instrument Cluster

    If you are using android auto, can't you use your phones voice commands to make calls?
  9. W

    Found 20” wheels wanted

    Send me your phone number in a PM
  10. B

    Car scanner set up

    Hi i have carista Evo and have installed car scanner on phone. Looked for transporter on set up pages, can't find it only T7
  11. Dellmassive

    Phone charging solutions for T6 campervan

    60w USB C chargers with cable. And powered from the leisure battery A quick effective charge. , wireless charging is inefficient and makes the phone hot.
  12. Brennanpj

    Has anyone bought from recently? I ordered some bits 10 days ago and heard nothing. Can’t get through on the phone either. Bit concerning!?
  13. The Flying Scotsman

    Wanted Headlights T6

    I’m on the THQ WhatsApp group and they are selling a load of V3s and others discounted at the moment. Some with slight marks etc. Worth a phone call to ask. There were plenty sets available
  14. czmate1999

    T6F Spring Gathering 2025

    If any attendees are not on the what's app group please PM me your real first and last names, and phone number, and I will add you to the event group. :mexican wave:
  15. MORGS777

    Transporter extended warranty - Worth it?

    Yup phoned and cancelled in morning, then later on i phoned and took out cheaper deal !:)
  16. J

    Low charge current from MIB STD2 Discover Media

    No extension, straight from the USB port to the phone. Also AA is functioning fine so data connection is not an issue. It's not a fault with any part of the equipment (head unit, port, cable, phone) more over it's a limitation of the head unit combined with a power hungry phone and wondered if...
  17. gilesjuk

    T6 Aftermarket Digital Instrument Cluster they were resting higher up. I've got the 15th January firmware. No "Transpoter" in mine. I was playing about with it and then went to the phone menu and it said "Hang up", so rushed into the house to make sure it wasn't calling anyone. Luckily I have dual sim and the phone was stuck at...
  18. oldiebut goodie

    What a plonker

    And she was on her phone at the same time!
  19. F

    phone holder T6 Pair the ProClip mount with the correct holder for your phone depending on case size etc.
  20. AndyNichs

    T6.1 Head Unit Phone Connection

    Hi, I have a T6.1 with the standard VW head unit. The problem I've got is that when I connect my Android phone via a cable to use Android Auto it sometimes asks me to re-pair the phone and put a pin number in. It doesn't do it all the time and it's starting to get annoying! I've been through...