Search results for query: B14 knock

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  1. kn0bby

    B14s And H&r Arbs. Just Fitted.

    Sorry to hear you are having problems. What size wheel are you running? Same size on both vans? Has your van done many miles? Think the bushes could already have been shot? My van is running B14 and ARB as low as they they will go without any knocking.
  2. foggy3061

    Still Knocking On My Rear B14s

    Fair enough! Yeah, it would be better to have the B14 dampers on but not if they knock like a bugger!
  3. M

    Still Knocking On My Rear B14s

    Unfortunately not, I'm based in Swansea. They state they've spent 5 hours on it, replaced the drop link on the front offside (it was the front nearside which was knocking more) The rear is still knocking but only over speed humps or changing camber. They're looking to bill me for the drop link...
  4. Tourershine

    SoLow Suspension

    I know Solow's aren't new by any means, and several members are already running these bad boys, but as a die hard B14 fan, I wanted to give my take on this set-up. As some of you already know, i'm pretty chummy with the Transporter HQ team. They regularly ask if they can borrow my van for T32...

    Sold Bilstein B14 Rear Shocks (t32 Rated)

    They've done 10K, Fitted them and took them off after one drive, as i decided to stick with the OEM rear shocks, due to these not fitting very well, and leaving me with a knocking noise (pretty sure its MY vans chassis fixing points, and needs filing down. But they didn't make any noise on...
  6. KernowMax

    B14s And H&r Arbs. Just Fitted.

    Hi all, I’ve just had this set up fitted. I had B14s on my old T5 and really liked them. So, when it came to getting my T6 closer to the ground, I ‘Mmm’ed and Rrrr’ed’ quite a bit. I felt like I’d tried Bilstein, and maybe should go for something different. I seriously considered the SoLow...
  7. Grim Reaper

    Eibach Pro-Street-S Ride-Height Adjustable Coilovers now available [Post 49 onwards]

    I'd have to have a drive in a stock T6 to compare them, they certainly feel fine, the van goes around roundabouts like it's on rails, but then it has the H&R ARB's fitted as well so there's not a lot of body roll. I do hear a knock sometimes when on roads with the occasional pothole but I've not...
  8. K

    Creaking front brakes

    Does anyone get knocking with the creaking? I’m getting knocking and creaking that developed after 1200 Miles of b14’s, put standard suspension back on and almost went away, no knocking but still creaking. Put b14’s back on and got knocking back. Thinking of replacing top mounts even though the...
  9. Petehelmet

    Still Knocking On My Rear B14s

    I could do with a set off these, could you let me know where you got them. Thanks
  10. foggy3061

    Still Knocking On My Rear B14s

    Well, finally got enough time to look into my rear knock! I removed the B14 rear dampers and noticed the top eye bush had some quite decent indents in 4 locations, 90° apart. So, looking up into the damper top mount on the van it seems I have the same issue as @CALLAKN. I had a look at...
  11. D

    Lowering A 2016 T32 4motion

    My T32 LWB is in having B14's fitted at the moment, it better not come back to me with any kind of knocking noises.
  12. D

    Tell Me About B14’s

    Mine's a T32 LWB, my B14's are at the highest setting, I get absolutely no rattles/squeaks/knocks even when towing my 1900kg caravan. If you are getting any of the above then I suspect something is wrong, I wouldn't be asking VW to take a look, I'd be getting someone like...
  13. j4ckal

    Review: Bognor Motors.

    Had a similar experience myself and probably should of posted with some positive feedback here. One of my new B14 dampers failed (which in its self is pretty rare for these), Oli @BognorMotors got it sorted and me back on the road within a matter of days, no small feat bearing in mind I'm around...
  14. DaveyB

    Lowering A 2016 T32 4motion

    I know a couple of folk with T32 4motion with Bilstein B14’s. They definately fit. Ask Oli @BognorMotors as he was possibly one of the first to stick them on a 4motion on the forum. As to knocking, I would say this is not something necessarily related to a 4motion running B14’s. I have a fed T32...
  15. D

    T6 2018 4 motion Bilstein B14 Coil Over Noise (Rear Rattle)

    I’ve had B14’s fitted last week to my T32 4-Mo, not collected it yet, but the conversion guys haven’t mentioned anything about knocking.
  16. foggy3061

    Still Knocking On My Rear B14s

    I envisage the opposite. The 4 spot welds clashing with the larger diameter b14 bush centre are creating a stand off situation, preventing it being clamped up properly and thus, allowing knocking. The idea behind reducing the with of the oversize portion of the bush centre, should allow the...
  17. Montecha

    Eibach Springs

    I had Customvanz -50mm springs fitted, no problem with them knocking at all. Only replaced them as I went for the full B14 set up. Now I have had both I’d say they are a good upgrade - Eibach are a solid company and make many OEM springs and the -30mm Sportline springs. You will be fine!
  18. K

    Rear Knocking B14’s

    Thanks I have just reread that, but have read most threads about knocking noise because of my front knocking I had.. Can’t tell how dissapointed I feel in bilstein
  19. K

    Operation B14 has commenced

    So I’ve had my b14’s off as I got a knocking noise on front suspension after 1200 miles, had standard suspension on for 2 weeks and nothing out b14’s back in (new front struts) and knocking again any ideas? It’s on sportline alloys and about 10-15 mm left on them Anywhere close to stoke to...
  20. Montecha

    Lowering A 2016 T32 4motion

    My B14 rears knocked from day one, so I put the standard rear shocks back on, and its marginally better but its under-damped especially on rebound. I'm going against what many others have said, as I'm completely underwhelmed with the B14 set up. Yes, its lower, yes its stiffer. But I think the...