The weren't faulty when I had them and didn't know anything about this or I would of got them swopped

A nylon washer might be a good fix for this to clamp between the damper and the body?
@Absolut5 was telling me about faulty rear B14 dampers the other day. Jason - are you able to explain?
If the bush diameter is incorrect, how does the thickness match up? If the new one is thinner than the original and there isn't enough give in the metalwork either side to compress and hold it tightly then it may be rattling around on the bolt between the body plates. A shim either/one side to pack it out may be the answer.
I deal a lot with Bilstein so if you need any help let me know.
To be honest the effort you put in to sort this is commendable . but I don't see that being the problem if the mount was lose then yes it could make a noise but it would rattle continually. Taking the contact area down to me would make it more likely to rattle not improve it . I can only assume the Billy shocks have an issue to be honest . if the car is good with the standard parts in .
I could do with a set off these, could you let me know where you got them.I envisage the opposite. The 4 spot welds clashing with the larger diameter b14 bush centre are creating a stand off situation, preventing it being clamped up properly and thus, allowing knocking.
The idea behind reducing the with of the oversize portion of the bush centre, should allow the centre portion to clear the spot welds and clamp up tight against the shell & captive nut as the oem damper intended and does.
It could be the case I need to drop the height of the shoulder I have created to get better clearance and get better clamping of the unmodified part of the eye bush.
Anyway, I have got some genuine Bilstein replacement B14 eye bushes now and they are quite different to the current ones in the B14 rear dampers. Less rubber moulded in and the metal centre is a harder material.....though still a larger OD compared to oem.
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I could do with a set off these, could you let me know where you got them.