Search results for query: Ad blue

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  1. L

    Engine and DSG Remap plus adblue delete and EGR advice wanted

    Whats the mileage on your 150? For just Ad Blue delete, you wouldnt need the other modifications, ad blue is injected into the exhaust.
  2. nedwood

    Newbie from Brighton

    I got a 2015 T6 euro5 lwb Kombi five years ago, didn't know anything about ad blue or regens but knowing what I do now i'd make same choice again.
  3. RobertO2023

    AdBlue Discussion and Issues

    Approx 1200 miles - I never thought to record the mileage when topping up the as blue. I may have overfilled it. Will it eventually return to normal when I’ve used more ad blue?
  4. Blasam

    Is safe delete DPF and Adblue?

    Yes. I currently have the EGR & ad blue mapped out with a working (for now) DPF
  5. RobertO2023

    AdBlue Discussion and Issues

    Apologies if this has already been covered. My ad blue is stuck at 5000 on the MFD. How is this error rectified ?
  6. RobertO2023

    AdBlue not registering

    My Ad Blue is stuck at 5000 on the MFD but on the app it is currently 3107 and decreasing. Baffled , how does that work?
  7. roadtripper

    DPF clean with Xenum DPF cleaner

    On a T6/6,1 the DPF and SCR/CAT are a combined unit - so be very careful the chemicals you use are also safe for the SCR and you don't damage that.
  8. bluezie

    Oil filler cap

    By my reckoning, seeing as Ad Blue came in 2015, so there shouldn't be any CAAA,CAAB,CAAC,CFCA engines used beyond 2015. Not sure why they are listed as 2020, unless they continued in non European markets until 2020?
  9. B

    AdBlue not registering

    So, I’ve drained about 5 litres of ad blue and still reading exactly the same at 800miles to go.
  10. L

    Orange Engine Warning Light Carista Says....

    Welcome to the Ad Blue fault club
  11. T

    Ad-blue MFD not displaying

    Yeah defo blue filler under diesel filler & 2017
  12. Jwhit

    Dreaded oil pressure switches

    No remap. Ad blue delete but this was happening before delete
  13. Nauts

    Euro 5 ?

    Hi I have a 2016 Highline T28 TDI BMT with an engine code of CAAB, no ad-blue, how can I find my euro status Thanks nauts
  14. Stefan

    VW Transporter Engine codes (T5-T6.1)

    I have one of the early T6 eu5 with no ad blue. Is my engine EA189?
  15. Bav


    Always best to use the search function first...
  16. Salty Spuds

    Ad-blue MFD not displaying

    maybe a silly question, but do you have an ad-blue filler under the diesel filler? Is your van a euro6?
  17. S

    P204F00 error code please help

    Thanks for the reply - I’ve recently had the DPF cleaned and engine light came back on after the clean. The cleaner guy then said my ad blue was crystallised so he cleaned that also. Worked ok for week and drove lovely now this new code up as in post. Before the dpf clean it was code P2020 so...
  18. B

    AdBlue not registering

    Well I finally have an update. It was worst case so new ad blue tank, parts with labour so just over £1000. Money pit continues lol
  19. tommy_t6.1

    AdBlue - which brand are you using?

    £10 for the large tub at B&M. I think I've filled my ad blue 4 times in the 3.5 yrs I've had my van. So getting roughly 7k per fill up.