Engine and DSG Remap plus adblue delete and EGR advice wanted


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T6 Pro
some may have seen my other posts re my SCR intermittent fault occurrences which seem unfixable by VW and likely not covered by the All-in-Warranty. I have registered a complaint with VW Customer Services and waiting on the outcome. In preparation for a less than positive solution for me I am considering my next options including an Adblue delete

I have spoken to Chris at Dav-Tec who was very generous with his time and advice so I will likely go down that route but ideally would like the existing problems fixed whilst I am still under warranty.

Chris reasonably suggested if I was to look at the Adblue delete then might as well go full hog and go for a Re-map and DSG re-map inc adblue delete and EGR delete.

I find the current set up ok tbf but do sometimes find the odd DSG shift to be a bit strange but nothing major. Don't think I have found the need for Sport mode or manual shifting to date.

I have read a few previous post but nothing really tells me why and how the drive is better post map

so a couple of questions:

1) Is the difference after re-map significant ... some describe it as "night and day". I don't feel like I am craving a massive amount of increased power but if a smoother and better driving experienced was achievable then that would definitely a bonus

2) Any downsides?

3) Adblue delete seems fairly straight forward, any risks?

4) EGR delete seems sensible, done this via a blanking plate on last three vehicles but these were a lot less sophisticated than the T6. Delete or Delete and blank? .... understand getting to fit a blank is a little awkward.

Think I just want to gauge what to expect from a full remap and if there are any negatives. I suspect the current warranty will become void but runs out at the end of May anyway. Could extend a further 2 years but not sure from my experiences to date that it would be worthwhile although I get the added value of breakdown and cover on the big ticket items.

Just remember that EGR/Adblue/DPF tampering/delete is illegal on UK public roads, that should fail an MOT and Invalidate your insurance.

so provided you are only Track racing the van you are good to go.
Dellmassive is absolutely right with his statement above. I will share what I’ve done and to be clear, I’m acutely aware it isn’t legal or euro 6 compliant.

I have had my DSG re mapped then, EGR and adblue mapped out, after reaching the conclusion my 204 BiTDI is a ticking time bomb, and I am in the realms of damage limitation having purchased it used. For me personally, the risk v benefit tips significantly more towards the benefits.

The drivability has somewhat improved with the DSG map, however I still regularly find its in a too higher gear during urban cruising, as such I often move it into manual to keep the lower gear. I’m not sure that’s the map though, perhaps the 20s that are on it as under load it rumbles like a manual would should you pull away in a too high gear, or the low pressure turbo that I think is on the way out. However, it does hold to on its gears noticeably longer when actively accelerating which is a vast improvement on before.

I have mapped out the EGR due to the very well documented issues with them on this forum, which naturally lead me to have the adblue mapped out also. Before purchasing my van, in the month prior it had a new EGR fitted, which is why I have chosen not to fit blank plates as the likelihood of the valve being able to fully close as it’s clean is rather high, paired with a little more chance of me being able to plead ignorance if an authority questioned why it doesn’t work. Personally I feel like I’ve lost 5mpg ish since this mod, but I’ve also loaded the van with a RIB and furniture since.

As for the engine remap, it was highlighted during the above mods that my inlet manifold runners have decided to retire, probably clogged up with carbon. We also discussed why I think my turbo may be deciding it doesn’t fancy much longer on this planet, as a result to protect the engine and the tuner we chose to leave it stock. But I must say, once those issues are sorted I’ll be going back to him for more power.

Lastly, and probably crucially, it has passed an MOT perfectly fine with no advisories since I have had the above done. Apologies for the story!
Dellmassive is absolutely right with his statement above. I will share what I’ve done and to be clear, I’m acutely aware it isn’t legal or euro 6 compliant.

I have had my DSG re mapped then, EGR and adblue mapped out, after reaching the conclusion my 204 BiTDI is a ticking time bomb, and I am in the realms of damage limitation having purchased it used. For me personally, the risk v benefit tips significantly more towards the benefits.

The drivability has somewhat improved with the DSG map, however I still regularly find its in a too higher gear during urban cruising, as such I often move it into manual to keep the lower gear. I’m not sure that’s the map though, perhaps the 20s that are on it as under load it rumbles like a manual would should you pull away in a too high gear, or the low pressure turbo that I think is on the way out. However, it does hold to on its gears noticeably longer when actively accelerating which is a vast improvement on before.

I have mapped out the EGR due to the very well documented issues with them on this forum, which naturally lead me to have the adblue mapped out also. Before purchasing my van, in the month prior it had a new EGR fitted, which is why I have chosen not to fit blank plates as the likelihood of the valve being able to fully close as it’s clean is rather high, paired with a little more chance of me being able to plead ignorance if an authority questioned why it doesn’t work. Personally I feel like I’ve lost 5mpg ish since this mod, but I’ve also loaded the van with a RIB and furniture since.

As for the engine remap, it was highlighted during the above mods that my inlet manifold runners have decided to retire, probably clogged up with carbon. We also discussed why I think my turbo may be deciding it doesn’t fancy much longer on this planet, as a result to protect the engine and the tuner we chose to leave it stock. But I must say, once those issues are sorted I’ll be going back to him for more power.

Lastly, and probably crucially, it has passed an MOT perfectly fine with no advisories since I have had the above done. Apologies for the story!

no apology needed this is the exact type of real life experiences I was after

my issue is that VW can't diagnose or find let alone fix the intermittent SCR fault even though the van drives fine. Now asking me to give them a blank cheque to start taking the engine etc to bits starting with £500 to look in the inlet manifold with a borescope. Mine is a 150. Seems extreme and when they started talking new engine I started getting worried not that I believe for one minute it needs one but the amount I will end up paying them to decide whether it does or doesn't. In spite of all of this they seem to be reluctant to start with the "bleeding Obvious", an intermittent fault with the adblue system and work from there, I genuinely think, as things stand, they will not get to the bottom of the fault with the proposed methodology hence why I am looking at a PLAN B albeit probably not my preferred option at this stage but could be into the dealer for thousands if not careful and anything they discover that is not faulty I will have to cover the cost of them confirming that to be the case which is mental!

If it was me I would start by replacing the adblue control unit and pump but they can't do this under warranty unless they can prove these parts are faulty which they will never do under the TPI test protocol they adopt. We will go round in endless circles without a fix. it must of cost over £2k already in call outs and dealer time

I am hoping for escalation to some clever techs at VWHQ. I am also aware from this forum and other social media that these fault codes and this scenario has happened to others but no one has updated their post with a solution. Even the dealer stated they had a similar Van issue as mine only two stages behind me.
Whats the mileage on your 150? For just Ad Blue delete, you wouldnt need the other modifications, ad blue is injected into the exhaust.
no apology needed this is the exact type of real life experiences I was after

my issue is that VW can't diagnose or find let alone fix the intermittent SCR fault even though the van drives fine. Now asking me to give them a blank cheque to start taking the engine etc to bits starting with £500 to look in the inlet manifold with a borescope. Mine is a 150. Seems extreme and when they started talking new engine I started getting worried not that I believe for one minute it needs one but the amount I will end up paying them to decide whether it does or doesn't. In spite of all of this they seem to be reluctant to start with the "bleeding Obvious", an intermittent fault with the adblue system and work from there, I genuinely think, as things stand, they will not get to the bottom of the fault with the proposed methodology hence why I am looking at a PLAN B albeit probably not my preferred option at this stage but could be into the dealer for thousands if not careful and anything they discover that is not faulty I will have to cover the cost of them confirming that to be the case which is mental!

If it was me I would start by replacing the adblue control unit and pump but they can't do this under warranty unless they can prove these parts are faulty which they will never do under the TPI test protocol they adopt. We will go round in endless circles without a fix. it must of cost over £2k already in call outs and dealer time

I am hoping for escalation to some clever techs at VWHQ. I am also aware from this forum and other social media that these fault codes and this scenario has happened to others but no one has updated their post with a solution. Even the dealer stated they had a similar Van issue as mine only two stages behind me.

I've just dropped mine off at the dealer for the same thing, had two garages look into it with no result... not hopeful VW will find something useful either but the initial investigation is only £130 so we figured we might as well.

Its currently at 0 miles Engine Start Disabled though so whatever happens it's not moving anywhere!
My manual T6 has been remapped and also has the EGR mapped out. I still use AdBlue and the van still performs Regen. I've had no issues (EGR mapped out in 2021) and I do enjoy the feeling that it's not something that'll appear one day!

ps Mine's also a 204 bi-turbo, it goes like a scalded cat and I love it!!
Whats the mileage on your 150? For just Ad Blue delete, you wouldnt need the other modifications, ad blue is injected into the exhaust.

I appreciate Adblue can be done on it's own but it was suggested that the other bits could be done at the same time, at not too much additional cost and be beneficial
I've just dropped mine off at the dealer for the same thing, had two garages look into it with no result... not hopeful VW will find something useful either but the initial investigation is only £130 so we figured we might as well.

Its currently at 0 miles Engine Start Disabled though so whatever happens it's not moving anywhere!

on top of the P20EE and P204F I also had the 650 adblue error countdown which just reset to 2500 on first run. VW Assist confirmed the 2500 was correct to the stored volume. This has happened before on two occasions and reset by itself. I was concerned my busy week was going to get shot to pieces as the dealers wont take van in or give me a courtesy van.

The fault codes I get strangely only activate on a long run
What do someone like Darkside or Retro Resus think? I would just crack on and stop wasting your time with people who dont seem to want actually help you. Life is too short.

Leave all the bits in place and no MOT guy will fail it as long as the emissions are good. My old bitdi 180 which is knackered and has a mapped out and blanked EGR got through no issues. I had a L200 which I de-cat'ed and for 10 years had no MOT issues and that was blindingly obvious it was gone

I appreciate Adblue can be done on it's own but it was suggested that the other bits could be done at the same time, at not too much additional cost and be beneficial

My inlet manifold needed replacing at 100k, just a thick sooty mess.

I have a 150 as well, I hadn't read about many owners blanking EGR (and removing DPF) on our vans.
What do someone like Darkside or Retro Resus think? I would just crack on and stop wasting your time with people who dont seem to want actually help you. Life is too short.

Leave all the bits in place and no MOT guy will fail it as long as the emissions are good. My old bitdi 180 which is knackered and has a mapped out and blanked EGR got through no issues. I had a L200 which I de-cat'ed and for 10 years had no MOT issues and that was blindingly obvious it was gone
thats about the point I am at right now but there must be an engineering solution and I have a lot invested in this van

My inlet manifold needed replacing at 100k, just a thick sooty mess.

I have a 150 as well, I hadn't read about many owners blanking EGR (and removing DPF) on our vans.

did the sooted manifold generate the P20EE and P204F plus adblue faults like mine .... is that why the dealer wants to investigate this component next although i have only done 56k and no running issues, seems a bit random to me?
thats about the point I am at right now but there must be an engineering solution and I have a lot invested in this van

did the sooted manifold generate the P20EE and P204F plus adblue faults like mine .... is that why the dealer wants to investigate this component next although i have only done 56k and no running issues, seems a bit random to me?

No, I have all the same ad blue faults as separate faults, unresolved and VW won't/can't help without paying ££££ just to investigate. The inlet manifold fault displayed on the dash as a flashing coil light and limp mode.
My inlet manifold issue has only generated the one code, I’ll have to check what that is but it relates to the runner position. No other codes or limp mode, but the permanent EML only presented itself post EGR and adblue delete. Whether that’s stopped other codes getting generated, I can’t comment. I wouldn’t image they correspond though?
thats about the point I am at right now but there must be an engineering solution and I have a lot invested in this van

did the sooted manifold generate the P20EE and P204F plus adblue faults like mine .... is that why the dealer wants to investigate this component next although i have only done 56k and no running issues, seems a bit random to me?
Similar to others above. I had egr mapped and blanked to prevent destruction of my 204 biturbo engine. No probs and it’s passed it’s MOTs since.
I’m intending to have the inlet manifold shell blasted at Darkside when I get chance. Mine has done 130k so god knows how gunked up the inlet manifold is.
My mate’s 204 had the inlet manifold flaps seize at 50k and the amount of gunk was shocking.IMG_5897.png
My inlet manifold issue has only generated the one code, I’ll have to check what that is but it relates to the runner position. No other codes or limp mode, but the permanent EML only presented itself post EGR and adblue delete. Whether that’s stopped other codes getting generated, I can’t comment. I wouldn’t image they correspond though?

so permanent EML after deletes ..... how did you resolve that?

That's what I had, and how it looks inside the old one.

View attachment 230248

from my understanding the inlet manifold would be covered under warranty but only if it could be proved it is the cause of the faults. if clean and functioning then not covered but £500 to check!! you almost want/need it to be sooted whether it is causing the fault codes or not.

How can VW keep saying sorry we don't know whats wrong and haven't got a fix?
How can VW keep saying sorry we don't know whats wrong and haven't got a fix?

If it wasn't for my local specialist, I'd be lost! I tried talking to VW Commercial a few times and they are truely useless.

Shame, I have two VW cars and would happily buy again, the aftersales I've had from my local VW car place is brilliant. Which included some big warranty bills on my Golf GTi
Sorry, I might be causing confusion.

The deletes have generated no codes.

I have a permanent EML, with a single code due to an inlet manifold runner position fault, unrelated to the deletes which remains unresolved. The van drives fine so it’s staying unresolved until I have disposable cash to chuck at a new manny!

I was suggesting perhaps I have not experienced the further codes you have (should your issue be manifold related) due to my adblue delete, as simply speaking the van doesn’t know it’s there?
Daft question, but why the sublime delete??, what’s the problem
I’ve a new to me van and am just reading all the posts .