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  1. justsoldforyou

    Power Steering Pump - Replacement Procedure

    Hi. Today replaced engine oil and noticed fluid leak from steering pump. checked fluid level was below the cool level line. Is it worth changing it now ? Or just top it up and checking level more often.
  2. Edinkombi

    2nd row bench to 3rd row

    We reduced its length so only an option if you’re short or add an extra fold out flap on section behind headrests. Luckily we are both not tall. We don’t need seat belts in rear when camping as just us 2, although still got original central belt on bench. Original floor brackets and seat belts...
  3. Ian28

    For Sale T6 Highline Kombi 4Motion Campervan, 2019, 32000 miles

    Bumping this thread before I post it on Autotrader
  4. manfrotto

    Adjusting rear barn door

    For those interested.....,33819.15.html#:~:text=From%20an%20engineering%20standpoint%2C%20XZN,matter%20the%20type%20of%20head.
  5. Sasquatch

    Negative battery terminal connection issue

    Indeed, but if he's already having to ask how to do it...
  6. manfrotto

    Adjusting rear barn door

    Note - they are not Torx screws but triple Square (AKA XZN head) - I believe 8mm. It is actually worth investing in a set as VW use these extensively (just because they like to be different ?) It reminds me of the the days where Wolsley cars used Whitworth sizes.
  7. oldiebut goodie

    Negative battery terminal connection issue

    Better to check actual resistance surely.
  8. Sasquatch

    Negative battery terminal connection issue

    Set the meter to continuity test, one probe on the headlamp bolt, the other on the battery -ve terminal. If you get a good 'beep', which you should do, you're golden.
  9. E

    For Sale Transporter full rear threshold tailgate

    Sound be with you late next week:)
  10. B

    For Sale OVANO Switch XL SWB

    Hi, where are you based?
  11. D

    Negative battery terminal connection issue

    How do I use a multimeter to test the connection on the headlight mounting bolt?
  12. Fishinbrine

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    Fitted a couple of storage nets and noticed no dodo mat in the rear doors, so using what I had left over from my front doors I did the rears . Also have put the wiring into the connector in the zip pocket (can't zip it back up does that matter!?) ready for the momentary lock button I'm putting...
  13. TheGrapeEscape


    * FREE (JUST PAY THE POSTAGE) * I bought these mats from VanMatsUK 2 weeks ago "made to measure". Long story short, they're a bit big! I complained, so they sent another set out....which again are too big. VanMatssUK have advised me that there are 4 templates for the T5/6/6.1 front mats in...
  14. Badjamin

    Adjusting rear barn door

    As above belting in the next size torx up after a good soak in penetration spray (oo-er) will likely do the trick. If not a bolt removal die kit is your next option in this line of attack. the rubber seal looks quite old? If it's lost its 'firmness' it might be that a a new door seal would...
  15. D

    Barn-door To Tailgate Conversion

    Hi, ok this is what I did today. The files you requested are attached. I also followed your suggested procedure to the T. Before I carried out the tests this is what I did so you know the situation. I felt I needed to do this and also explain behaviour prior to carrying out the tests. Just so...
  16. Badjamin

    Sargent or Victron set up?

    Welcome to the forum - pics of your van are required if you want help - pay the piper! :whistle: While there are many many general posts on this subject and while there are some who may feel you should be doing a search on setups... I have to say there is no harm in an updated opinions and...
  17. J

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    Took it for a little run , washed it .....and found it's STILL got an oil leak :thumbsdown: ....belly pan off again tomorrow :rolleyes:
  18. TeeCeeJay

    T6 Front Bench Baby Seat recommendations

    Congratulations on the new addition. Wondered why your build thread went quiet. You were building a family! Here's to many happy adventures.
  19. Badjamin

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    Ooof... a full tank of premium!? Dare I ask how much that set you back? Happy 100k buddy!
  20. B

    My setup this weekend.

    All set up here too. Not put up awning. Cosying up for later, then pub for supper