Search results for query: Ad blue

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  1. Paynewright

    Overfilled AdBlue tank

    ...with the components of the system, so I check / top mine up when the dash quotes an amount to fill. Its a startline van, so I press the clock adjust button then it cycles through the ad-blue status. As such I now tend to get the smaller pouches of ad blue from Halfords when they are on offer.
  2. WinFreak

    Regrets, have you had a few....or is it too few to mention...

    I regret buying this pile of crap of a van Its still at vw waiting for excessively overpriced ad blue parts to be fitted without any real idea whether it'll sort the problems Kind of hoping the dealership burns down or it gets nicked while its there!
  3. 8balladdict

    Help with Adding 230v Hookup

    Hi all, Looking to add 230v hookup to my existing setup. This is mainly just for battery charging and maintenance rather than for running 230v appliances. I've created some wiring diagrams of the current system and how I think it will need to look post install. I'm not the best at...
  4. Salty Spuds

    Hypothetical EGR/DPF deletion

    ...blanked off the EGR valve & gutted the DPF. Assuming the person in question had a fully functional VCDS, what coding would be required to complete the removal of Ad Blue, EGR, DPF? Notwithstanding the side issues of MOT/morality/insurance etc. What are the purely technical details to consider?
  5. S

    P204F00 error code please help

    ...miles of driving my eml pinged back on. I called back and asked him to look at it again which he did. He told me that the fault was infact my ad blue had crystallised (don’t know how true that is) he said he had cleaned it now and he would only charge me a call out fee. The car drove lovely...
  6. H

    Reoccurring AdBlue Level Fault / EML / P204F00 / P20EE00

    resurrecting an old thread I have exactly the same scenario plus one additional visit to fit a new seal on the turbo which the dealer was convinced would be the fix. first run since and now have same faults again albeit pending ..... grrrrr anyone know the next stages in VW computer diagnostic...
  7. D

    T6 Underbody Shield Parts Fixings Fittings

    Ok, I’ve found my underbody video on my 6.1. I’m guessing under the ad-blue tank, behind left front wheel, but as yours is T6 it looks a little different. On mine there is an aluminium heat shield which fits on those little studs, and the studs are then melted over to rivet the heat shield on...
  8. B

    Bird chirping noise

    Could be your Ad-blue tit
  9. Dellmassive

    Hypothetical EGR/DPF deletion

    cant be done with VCDS. you need the engine computer remapped, to software delete the Ad Blue, EGR, DPF etc. (assuming its for off road use) not sure how they they do it in practice, fudge the numbers in excel lol - who knows. its Black magic with an unknown outcome? (unless dyno tested, or...
  10. A

    Adblue warning.

    Takes a bit of time and knowledge to diagnose those AdBlue related errors but what I highly recommend it's to take the AdBlue injector out and clean it properly if it has crystallization around.
  11. Ric1962

    Orange Engine Warning Light Carista Says....

    Cheers Lee, I think!:oops: Is it serious or just one of those annoying faults that T6 owners know about yet no one knows why it happens or how to fix it?
  12. F

    What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

    ...Was going to do the scuttle, but was scuppered by Screwfix not having the wiper puller in stock so that will be another day. I'd very much like to do the the wheel arches and floor pan, but I think it's a bit beyond my skill set. Topped up the ad blue, bit boring, bit it's a van job done.
  13. Sackmycook

    AdBlue top-up issue (merge)

    As above, they sell ad-blue on the Continent
  14. VioletVW

    Engine management light

    Van has finally been looked at and apparently it was an ad-blue mixing valve...which didn't come up in the list of things above. Hopefully, it's now cured.
  15. Ayjay

    Adblue not registering

    My understanding is that you can but there might be implications arising from it. I'm having a nightmare with the Ad Blue system on my Audi Q5 at the moment and am thinking about an Ad Blue delete. I'm probably going to canvas for opinions on here about the issue in general rather than being...
  16. Salty Spuds

    Vans running bad !

    notwithstanding the various mods that the engine has been subject to, I wonder if when the pump went, it picked some debris up in the fuel line.
  17. scrimshank

    P20EE fault code rectification

    ...version already installed and so they returned it without charging for anything. Since the visit I've done a run down to Cornwall and back and had no repeat of the warning light, I have also put some Ad Blue cleaner in and a diesel additive into the last top up prior to the long run down South.
  18. Drive Wayne

    Ad Blue

    Hey @dannyc81 , was it new in '24? The adblue tanks were bigger on the later 6.1's. Mine is a 2020 with a smaller adblue tank.
  19. slybacon67

    T6 2019 AD Blue

    Hi all i am new to this forum as i have just became the proud owner of a 2019 T6 edition that was converted into a camper van , i have yet to pick it up from dealer but i was wondering if anyone could tell me if it uses adblue.
  20. T

    - 204ps Bi-Turbo CXEB T6 Engine & Turbo problems -

    ...have given us the option of warranty, given what I'm reading is this wise to accept? Given the issues these appear to be prone to will they be covered on said VW warranty? We were thinking of EGR,DPF, Ad blue delete in the future but that seems to not stop the engine wear? TIA for the...